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 Hodges: Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate

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PostSubject: Hodges: Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate   Hodges: Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 17, 2018 4:26 pm

Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate

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Hodges: Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hodges: Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate   Hodges: Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 18, 2018 8:47 pm

As much as I hate the thought of any kind of martial law - even limited martial law, I see as a California voter who is in "the center leaning conservative" a possible need for it. Something drastic needs to be done here in this fully communist s**t-hole state to pull it back towards center again. Trump has my blessing to make it bleed hard here if that's what it takes. I don't and probably won't like it, but logic and reasoning prevail in my thoughts and I see the need for the pain.

Surgery to remove the big tumor is scary, but without it the patient that is California is gonna die.

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Hodges: Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hodges: Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate   Hodges: Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2018 6:03 pm

I think we may have to get our hands dirty to resolve this... it is not something that I relish but we all have family and honestly, I have only one grandson and I am here to protect him, the last of the Spring name too.

The Lord commanded us to protect others as in the Good Sumarian and that if we stood by and did nothing to help someone in trouble then we are as guilty as the perpetrator / attacker on them.

I do not have tools for the purpose of use on my fellow man but I have to protect my family as he said that I should provide for them and that includes protection.

"0"bummer put us in most of the between a rock and a hard spot situations!

I like many just wish to be left alone to work, garden, enjoy what creation has been given to enjoy by our Lord etc.

The Criminals in Our State and Nation are coming, making unjust laws to make us criminals in their eyes to disarm us to make more vulnerable for slaughter... felons they now call us and go against our 2nd Amendment ... not having any of this... they violate everything this Nation stands for!!!

As I see this old law about the communists here using violence against us gets them what they deserve - NO RIGHTS in doing so...
My take is that if they want to call me a felon for their crazy law.. when they use our County Sheriffs to exercise use of force to confiscate the weapons, then I am very sorry for all involved for I see their action as that of the Communists but hold the Communists in our government Ultimately responsible for everything that transpires for they created this new law with the full intention of shoot to kill rather than arrest and I and others will not comply!  
The County Sheriffs sworn to the oath to abide by the Constitution so I hope they learned well to protect against Enemies Foreign and Domestic please discern ye whom enforce the laws of the Liars.

My question about the tree cutting also involves this, why is every group in white trucks looking and driving by ALL HISPANIC... is this maybe related to what Hodges says? It is odd, all of it! MS13? and more? Dunno!
I am not a paranoid person! Just a prepared one. I see what is coming ... so then you will understand why some tools are in two different easy access locations.. and all at the ready for the work at hand. No Trespassing These Premises!
I understand fully researchers comments and feelings.
I have pondered my intentions and possible responses for many years. 
As the situation gets worse my response changes.
Jack... he is the most important one on this planet to me!
He is here 4 days a week, his safety is my responsibility!
I am a kind man BUT Jerry Brownnose and his Amigo's are Traitors and are not lawful!
I too hope Pres. Trump will find a way to round up these PERPS while not infringing on our rights.
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Hodges: Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hodges: Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate   Hodges: Sources Indicate Trump to Impose Marital Law In California Unless Brown and CALEXIT Capitulate I_icon_minitime

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