Someone important said, freedom is the ability to get from here to there unimpeded. i can attest to that.
You’re already tagged (chattel) by the tag on the license
plate, which gives new meaning to the DMV phrase, “we’re here to
serve you”.
And they’ll save your place in line if you give them your
cell phone number.
Renew “your” driver’s license - Americans don’t answer to “you” or "your". They are more properly addressed as “Sally” or “Fred”. Americans are not required to have a driver’s license to travel in an automobile. Licenses are for commerce. However, if you attempt to travel without one, they will hurt you - guaranteed. How can both be true? It’s about paperwork and our lack of (hidden) knowledge.
People do not require IDs. IDs require “First Middle Last” names and people don’t have “last” names (or first or middle). People have "given" names like Sally or Fred. People have “sur”names aka family names or trade names, which are a gift we must accept (but don’t for lack of knowledge). Surnames aren’t last names, they are “over” names. If people think their name is “First Middle Last” or "First Last", they are in bondage. Passports use surnames and are not considered ID. However, even that paperwork has a few land mines to beware of, such as the required identification papers.
Americans are not identified by birth
certificates. Americans have birth
certifications. There’s a big difference between the two. Birth certificates are for persons in “bonds”.
Has anyone identified themself with a birth certificate at the DMV? If so, “you” are now officially in “bondage”. Americans don’t check the “resident” box on the form (or apply for a license) and they are non-resident aliens (of the United States). Americans don’t claim to be “US Citizens” because Washington, DC, the home of US Citizens, is a city-state located outside of the 50 states. “… Citizens of the United States and the State wherein they “
If the resident box and US citizenship box are left unchecked, a license to drive will be refused. However, if you are found travelling in your automobile without a “license”, they will still harm you, so there's more to this. Also, ID is required to use Federal Reserve banks, so if you don't have one, good luck with banking. There are solutions but the path is difficult (though not impossible) to find. Unfortunately, the door home is closing soon so time is limited.