its not good because we exist in a 3 dimensional environment.....where time is constant....addding another dimension, say a 4th, would incorporate time into the 3 of our existence and that is not compatible....dove, do this: take a sheet of typing paper and pretend that its a 2 dimensional world....look at and in your mind see a little world with 2 dimensional people,buildings,dogs,cars outhouses, etc...NOT ON, BUT INSIDE THE PAPER!, pretend that you have a little 2 dimensional nephew that lives in there and you decide to visit, you are a 3 dimensional being, so start your trip to visit your nephew with your finger....slowly insert it into your nephews world....what happens?...yeah, you tear shit up, don't you?....same with 4th and 3rd dimensional realities...big problem if the barrier breaks...maybe it throws the gravitational forces out of whack.....maybe a pole shift...hey, a pole shift happened one time before when all of the knowledge was given to man....are we watching a rerun?....we'll see