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 God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground”

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God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground” Empty
PostSubject: God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground”   God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground” I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 09, 2013 12:18 pm

God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground”- A Prophetic Dream, Actual Event, and Confirmation of Future Devastation
Posted on October 16, 2010 by CARLOS MONTAÑA
8 June, 2013 Update-

Look at what appeared in the mailbox yesterday-

God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground” Wstandard-v18-37-june10-cover_

The 10 June edition of The Weekly Standard. Haha, well only 1300 days after the actual Obama asteroid which struck the Utah/Nevada border region at 7 minutes after midnight (Utah time) on 18 November, 2009-

From and including: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Obama dream and asteroid

To, but not including: Monday, June 10, 2013 Obama’s Asteroid magazine cover

It is 1300 days from the start date to the end date

As per Biblical precedent of “first usage”, what might be the meaning of the number 1300?

“Lukos” or Wolf! Strong’s Number G3074
λυκος lukos {loo’-kos} perhaps akin to the base of 3022 (from the whitish hair); TDNT – 4:308,540; n m AV – wolf 6; 6 1) a wolf 2) metaph. of cruel, greedy, rapacious, destructive men

Sounds like the man in the White House alright.

There is more. Shockingly, the Gematria of 1300 in the first occurrence of “lukos” is found in a verse which itself has a total Gematria of 13000; Matthew 10:16-

“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves (1300): be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. (13000)”

Great verse for those of us in the remnant True Church in Babylon to daily and prayerfully consider during these ever-darkening days.

This author and others have spoken much of the number 13, its Biblical meaning of rebellion, and its relationship to America; for example my article here-

And Brother Joseph Herrin’s here-

However, this very verse I know well, for I referenced it during some research on the New Madrid Fault; it was 13,000 days from the founding of America until the third and largest of the New Madrid Quakes of 1809-1810; see my article here-

As asteroids portend judgment, another way to look at 1300 may be as such-

13 (rebellion/America) x 50 (states under judgment) x 2 (double judgment) = 1300

It is frightening indeed that the words “Obama” and “asteroid” have been oft found in the same sentences over the past few years. Likewise troubling to hear Obama himself speak of asteroids, which he seems to do quite often. One can only wonder when that ‘asteroid’ judgment event is going to strike this nation which is headed by a most cruel, greedy, rapacious, and destructive man.

Here’s a quote from P.J. O’Rourke, author of the article Obama’s Asteroid-

In the NASA section of the president’s 2014 budget proposal, the challenge is-

‘to rendezvous with a small asteroid . . . and move it to a stable location outside the Moon’s orbit . . . Eventually, astronauts would visit the retrieved asteroid . . . fulfilling the President’s goal of sending humans to an asteroid by 2025’

Or, as one of the Space Symposium participants put it-

‘To boldly go where no man has ever shown much interest in going.’

Personally, I would strongly advise against “messing with” even a small asteroid. God made the asteroid and He will use it as He sees fit. Besides, it is obvious that American NASA personnel need not visit an asteroid, as the asteroid will be instead visiting America. An asteroid, of course, as a symbol of devastating judgment.

Also interesting that Comet ISON will be between Leo and Virgo in late October of this year. Take a close look at Flanagan’s Clock, which is housed in the Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C.; is this prophetic?-

God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground” Clock

[Note "comet" object to far right, between Virgo (above) and Leo (below)]

P.S.: Incidentally, from the Presidential election of 6 November, 2012 to 10 June, 2013 Obama’s Asteroid is 216 days-

216 = 6 x 6 x 6

Wake up people!
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God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground” Empty
PostSubject: Re: God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground”   God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground” I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 09, 2013 7:35 pm

I had forgotten all about that clock. Thanks for bringing it back to our attention.

While trying to dig up more information on this, I found some very interesting things. This site: which contains information most people probably DON'T want to know, says "Saturn will be the gateway for the arrival of the ancient gods. This is the meaning of the opening of the eye of Molech." The reaper of course being Saturn.
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God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground” Empty
PostSubject: Re: God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground”   God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground” I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 10, 2013 9:35 am

P.S.: Incidentally, from the Presidential election of 6 November, 2012 to 10 June, 2013 Obama’s Asteroid is 216 days-

216 = 6 x 6 x 6

Wake up people!
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God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground” Empty
PostSubject: Re: God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground”   God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground” I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 10, 2013 1:50 pm

hey....thats today cheers
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God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground” Empty
PostSubject: Re: God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground”   God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground” I_icon_minitime

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God’s Coming Judgment of America and Connection to President Obama Revealed by Asteroid which “Turned Night into Day & Shook the Ground”
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