i find it interesting, and sad,that the intelligent (relative and subjective terms) people of this world are not putting things in their proper and obvious perspective concerning events of the last couple of years.....these events are warnings to a blind and stiffnecked people,"who having a form of godliness,but denying the power,thereof" are ignoring the significance of these events....those of you on this forum,just stop and think a minute,then compare these events to events in revelation......i am not saying that these events ARE the actual judgements mentioned in revelations,i am thinking that they are similar occurances,on a smaller scale,that are warnings simply because they are things that could be used by God to carry out the judgements of revelations....things such as oceanic oil disasters,sinkholes,nuclear meltdowns,earthquakes,volcanoes,asteroids and meteors,solar flares,ect....get the picture that i'm trying to paint?