I started at 50 min like U said...still long. It's from Dec.2018 in case someone misses that point.
I remember hearing and not agreeing with his assessment (or outside info on) the Bush funeral.
I can't imagine POTUS backing off from 9-11 for anything. And then there's 'no deals' Q.
And I might have stopped listening at that point, because the rest of it was quite good.
And I never listened to the HAMR info. so I'm just going with Greg on that one. It sounds like Kevin has the bases covered. But then again, why wouldn't the PTB do everything to discredit a whistleblower.
Don't really know who has it right, but why should Janda sabotage Kevin? Not good.
I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience