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  1. Kellyanne Conway Drops BOMB On Pelosi, AOC As They CONTINUE To Catfight With Each Other


  3. Rep. Chip Roy: ‘Let's Remember That I.C.E. Is Not the Enemy’


  5. New Q Time to Eliminate a Liability?

  6. Schiff: We're Heading For Recession No Matter What The Fed Does With Rates

Last edited by spring2 on Mon Jul 15, 2019 4:09 pm; edited 7 times in total
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PostSubject: Kellyanne Conway Drops BOMB On Pelosi, AOC As They CONTINUE To Catfight With Each Other   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S'-JULY-15-2019 = SEE IT HERE: I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 10:02 am

Kellyanne Conway Drops BOMB On Pelosi, AOC As They CONTINUE To Catfight With Each Other

July 15, 2019 Dean Garrison 

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For those who have not heard, AOC recently called Nancy Pelosi a “racist” and the fight is now on.
Next News Network is reporting that Kellyanne Conway has put herself in the mix and things are getting extremely interesting.
Josh Bernstein reports:

More from Fox News…
Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president, called out the “huge catfight” between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and four freshman Democrats, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Speaking on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday, Conway pointed to Pelosi’s stinging criticism of Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass. All four voted against a $4.6 billion aid package to help improve conditions at border facilities.
“Major meow moment, a brushing back in a huge catfight. Really ridiculing them,” said Conway, accusing the four Democrats of “preening around” at the detention centers, but then rejecting a bill to improve the situation.
“You know who suffered? The people suffered, our brave men and women at Border Protection, the kids who these Democrats pretend they care so much about.”

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Pelosi blasted the White House Monday for keeping up efforts to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census.
During Monday’s press conference on election security, Pelosi called President Trump’s battle over the census “disgraceful,” pointing to his Supreme Court setback that rejected the administration’s argument for having a question about citizenship in the census.
Read more at Fox…

Of course, President Trump dropped his own bombshell on Thursday by signing an executive order to counter the Democrats:
President Trump just declared war on illegal immigrants (aka fraudulent Democrat voters), and the Democrat leadership is furious!
Via Executive Order on Thursday, President Trump made a bold move to start setting things right.
Here’s all the details via Next News Network:

More from Gateway Pundit’s Christine Laila…
President Trump held a presser from the White House Rose Garden on Thursday afternoon.
Trump confirmed an earlier report claiming he would take executive action that instructs the Commerce Department to acquire data on citizenship through other means.
“Today I will be issuing an executive order to put this very plan into effect immediately,” Trump said. “I am hereby ordering every department and agency in the federal government to provide the Department of Commerce with all requested records regarding the number of citizens and non-citizens in our country.”
“The Census Bureau projected that using previously available records, I could determine citizenship for 90% of our population or more,” Trump said. “We’re aiming to count everyone.”
“We will leave no stone unturned,” he added.
Read the rest…
While the Democrats continue to squabble with each other, your President is playing 3-D Chess.
It appears he has sent out his “lady” bishop to start slicing through and distracting the opposition, while he continues to Make America Great Again.
Her jumping into the mix with the Dems allowed our President to finalize the executive order that was signed Thursday.
This is how this administration plays 3-D Chess.
Thank You Kellyanne and Thank You Mr. President!

Dean Garrison is the Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry
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PostSubject: LISTEN TO THE FIRST FEW.. SEND HER HOME    ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S'-JULY-15-2019 = SEE IT HERE: I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 10:16 am


Rep. Ilhan Omar on America: ‘I Am Ashamed of It Continuing to Live in Its Hypocrisy’

By Staff | July 15, 2019 | 10:17 AM EDT

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(Getty Images/Zach Gibson)
( - Rep. Ilhan Omar said at the Netroots Nation conference in Philadelphia this past weekend that she is “ashamed” of the United States of America “continuing to live in its hypocrisy.”
“There is something that I get criticized for all the time—it’s not what you think—so don’t, like, don’t gasp,” Omar said. “It is that I am anti-American because I criticize the United States.
“And I believe, as an immigrant, I probably love this country more than anyone that is naturally born,” she continued.

“And because I am ashamed of it continuing to live in its hypocrisy that I work so hard to make sure that others who’ve had that, like, why, just be American,” she said. “Why don’t you be more like an American, can just continue to say that. Why can’t you be more like an American? It used to be a very positive thing.
“We export American exceptionalism,” Omar said. “The Great America. The land of liberty and justice. That is, you know, you ask anybody in, walking on the side of the street somewhere in the middle of the world, they will tell you America the Great.
“But we don’t live those values here,” Omar said.
“And, so, that hypocrisy is one that I am bothered by,” she said. “I want America the Great to be America the Great.”

Netroots Nation describes its annual conference as the “largest annual conference for progressives.” This year’s conference was held July 11-13 in Philadelphia.

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Classic Car Dude • 12 hours ago
She's a Somalian pirate - That's all!

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PostSubject: WATCH LIVE: AMERICANS RALLY BEHIND TRUMP AS HE TELLS AMERICA HATERS THEY “CAN’T LEAVE FAST ENOUGH”   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S'-JULY-15-2019 = SEE IT HERE: I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 10:21 am



POTUS calls out Democrats for trying to turn America into sh**hole

[size=17]David Knight | - JULY 15, 2019 Comments 


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David Knight hosts this live, Monday broadcast to fill you in on the weekend’s top news and to provide a preview of what’s to come this week.

President Trump sent a message to Democrats Sunday, calling out “Progressive” Congresswomen who came from failing countries only to tell America how to run its government.

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Watch Live: Trump Tells Ilhan Omar "You Can't Leave Fast Enough"
— David Knight (@libertytarian) July 15, 2019

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So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly……
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2019

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….and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2019

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….it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2019
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PostSubject: Rep. Chip Roy: ‘Let's Remember That I.C.E. Is Not the Enemy’   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S'-JULY-15-2019 = SEE IT HERE: I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 10:29 am

Rep. Chip Roy: ‘Let's Remember That I.C.E. Is Not the Enemy’

By Susan Jones | July 15, 2019 | 10:35 AM EDT

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Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

( - Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) said he was visiting relatives near Aurora, Colorado over the weekend when he learned about a protest at a nearby Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facility.
Press reports said a small number of the protesters ripped down an American flag, turned it upside down, and hoisted it back up along with a Mexican flag.
Roy said he heard the "horrible news" about the protest and went to the detention center on Saturday, the day after the protest ended (with no arrests):
“I stand with law enforcement. I don't know what my Democratic colleagues want to say, but I stand with American law enforcement, I stand with the rule of law, and I'm not going to watch the American flag getting trashed by a bunch of people who do not respect the United States of America," Roy told "Fox & Friends" on Monday.
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And if they don't like the United States of America, they are of course free to leave it. And I think it's important for us to stand up and make that message clear.
Let's remember that I.C.E. is not the enemy. Cartels are the enemy. And the radical leftists in Congress and the radical leftists throughout this country that support cartels, and would dare to attack I.C.E., they 're the problem, they're the ones that we need to be challenging every day. And I stand with I.C.E.
Look, President Obama, he sent up a request for $760 million for I.C.E. And what did this president send up? He sent up $500 million. And the Democrats fought it. We need that money for I.C.E. in order to deal with the problem at border.
Roy said I.C.E. is trying to stop criminals and keep America safe, and part of that is figuring out a way to house illegal immigrants until they can be processed appropriately.
"And to have them be attacked? These are the folks that are keeping us safe. And I'm tired of it. The American people are tired of it.

“And my radical leftist colleagues in the House? They need to go home, they need to be sent home. And I'm glad the president is taking them on. The president is right to take them on. And we should make sure the American people know that that is the face of the Democrat party. That is who needs to be sent home in 2020.”

Roy said I.C.E. agents gave him a tour of the Aurora detention center when he was there.
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I walked though, and I saw what any American would see, which is a law enforcement entity that's doing their job, a facility that is clean, a facility that has medical facilities, that has ping-pong tables, it has TVs set up for 1,200 individuals, many of whom are criminals. Twelve hundred individuals from 57 countries around the world. Only 29 percent of them are from Mexico.
And then to have a bunch people go in and attack this facility, rush the facility, and pull down the flags, turn the American flag upside down, rise up the Mexican flag--that is offensive.
And I was proud to see Americans went by all day, and dropped off American flags. I was proud to see the American flag flying. And I wanted to go by, and show support, and see what was actually happening.

Because here's the thing. It is the lack of funding for I.C.E. that the leftist radicals in Congress, the Democrats that refuse to give funding to I.C.E., are causing the very problem they decry at the border.

It is offensive for them to support the kind of people that would do this to our law enforcement community.
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PostSubject: New Q Time to Eliminate a Liability? N.Y. BLACKOUT - BLACKOUT EPSTEIN?   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S'-JULY-15-2019 = SEE IT HERE: I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 10:36 am

New Q Time to Eliminate a Liability?
By The Phaser | July 15, 2019
from Lori Colley:
Did Jeffrey Epstein almost lose his life during the power outage in NYC on Saturday? Q gives us some hints as to what happened and why. Join me for a dive into Q posts 3427 through 3434. Thanks for watching and praying!

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PostSubject: Schiff: We're Heading For Recession No Matter What The Fed Does With Rates   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S'-JULY-15-2019 = SEE IT HERE: I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 4:08 pm

[size=23]Schiff: We're Heading For Recession No Matter What The Fed Does With Rates[/size]

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[size=10]by Tyler Durden
Mon, 07/15/2019 - 16:35Print

Jerome Powell took center stage last week and the Federal Reserve chair didn’t do anything to dampen expectations of a rate cut. His comments sent both stocks and gold higher.
Peter Schiff recently appeared on RT Boom Bust with University of Amherst economics professor Richard Wolff to talk about the Fed and its impact on the markets. Pete said no matter what the Fed does, a recession is coming.

Peter opened the interview saying the main reason the Fed is cutting rates is to try to keep the air from coming out of the stock market bubble.
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The other reason is they’re trying to keep this so-called expansion going. There they’re going to fail. I think we’re headed for recession regardless of what the Fed does with rates. The only thing the Fed is going to succeed in doing is reviving inflation. The Fed claims inflation is too low and they want to make sure the rate goes up. Well, that’s going to be their only success. But unfortunately, that’s also going to be their biggest failure.”
Wolff agreed with Peter’s view that a downturn is coming, noting that we are overdue for a recession. He said the sudden dovish turn by the Fed is a “desperate move” by to try to postpone the downturn until after the 2020 election.
The host mentioned a tweet Peter put out during Powell’s trip to Capitol Hill.

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Peter Schiff@PeterSchiff

[ltr]Are any House Democrats smart enough to ask Chairman Powell if he agrees with President Trump that the current U.S. economy is the strongest in history?[/ltr]

8:01 AM - Jul 10, 2019
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Peter said he never heard the question asked, but it would have been a great way to put Powell on the spot and ask him if he agrees with the president.
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The president tweets every day that we have the strongest economy in history, which isn’t even close to being true. But clearly, Powell doesn’t believe that the economy is the strongest in history, because if he did, he’d be raising rates, not cutting them.”
Peter said this isn’t even a good economy.
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It’s a bubble. Powell doesn’t seem to understand that. He seems to think the economy is doing OK. It’s not. The economy today is in worse shape than it was before it collapsed in 2008. The Fed inflated a much bigger bubble this time than it did last time. And yes, the longer we succeed in kicking the can down the road, the greater the imbalances grow as a result of this bubble, and the more painful it is when the air comes out. And that’s what’s going to happen. And what’s going to be so much worse about the coming recession is that it’s going to be inflationary. We’re going to have stagflation except it’s going to be a recession, not just stagnation, and the inflation rate is going to be far higher than it was the last time we had stagflation, which was in the 1970s.”
There was also a discussion about Fed “independence” and Pres. Trump’s efforts to bully Powell into cutting rates. Wolff called it “extraordinary theater.” Peter said Fed independence has always been a pretense.
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It was created to be independent, but it has actually acted as an arm of government. To the extent that we can no longer maintain that pretense, that is a very dangerous position to be in. But I agree with Trump that the Fed is doing a bad job — but because they didn’t keep raising rates. Rates are still much too low. The Fed needs to raise interest rates. The Fed needs to allow this expansion to come to an end because it’s unhealthy. It’s a bubble. The Fed has to let the stock market go down, let the real estate market go down, let the bond market go down, and force the US government to cut spending. That’s what needs to happen. But by keeping interest rates artificially low, they support increased government spending, they support these asset bubbles that are undermining the real economy and that are laying the foundation for the next economic crisis which will be much worse than the last one and for which there will be no bailouts.”
Peter was also asked about Powell’s take on the gold standard.
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Well, the chairman’s response is typical. If we were on a gold standard, he’d be out of a job.”
He went on to explain that the economy actually fared much better under a gold standard. But it was the US that ultimately took the world off the gold standard and put it on a dollar standard.
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This coming dollar collapse is going to bring the world back onto the gold standard. Because when they reject the dollar, they will embrace gold, and gold will once again serve as the primary reserve asset for currencies around the world.”
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