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| Subject: Communist China just doubled its number of military troops… is an invasion of America the next chapter in global domination? Mon Oct 14, 2019 10:59 am | |
| Communist China just doubled its number of military troops… is an invasion of America the next chapter in global domination?October 14, 2019 by IWBby: Lance D Johnson(Natural News) Americans take it for granted that foreign troops aren’t pillaging their country, vying for military control over U.S. cities, and forcing compliance to a communist government. Neither China nor Russia has attempted such a bold invasion, but their core communist belief systems continue to drive them toward global domination. Taking advantage of incompetent, complacent, and corrupt diplomats, China has been able to rip off America for many years through unfair trade deals, currency manipulation, debt, and property acquisition.
When the Soviet Union collapsed decades ago, they deployed a scissors strategy. By feigning defeat, they could get the American military to grow complacent. By remaining coy, they could slowly weaken America from within, infiltrating the U.S. government with communists, while pushing loyal Americans out of the democratic process.
Communist ideas are now openly accepted by the Democratic Party. Democrats want radical changes to the American economy. The Green New Deal fundamentally shifts the American economy toward socialism and would make America dependent on China and Russia for energy. Even U.S. companies like Microsoft and Google have been heavily infiltrated by communist ideas, as they actively work on Chinese military projects, contributing to censorship in China and abroad. The Democratic Party in the U.S. is so infiltrated; they are calling for confiscation of important self-defense firearms from the American citizenry. If China could get U.S. citizens to give up their AR-15s, (as proposed by the democrats) then a physical invasion would be ten times easier.
[size=34]The communist infiltration of America could rapidly escalate after the next election[/size] And now, due to a recent surge in Chinese military troops, should America be wary of a military invasion in the coming decade? Is invasion of America the next chapter in global domination? To understand the breadth of the situation, it’s important to listen to the warning messages shared by former Russian intelligence defectors. Former Russian intelligence analyst Viktor Suvorov once defected to England to warn about Russia’s plans to subvert the United States from within. Former high ranking KBG officer Anataoliy Golitsyn defected to the U.S. to warn about Russia’s secret strategy to attack the United States. Author of The Perestroika Deception, Golitsyn unveiled that the Leminist strategy is being implemented stealthily over time. Golitsyn revealed that the U.S. government would be deceived into complacency over time. When key positions of the U.S. government had been compromised, their values dismantled, Russian military would officially reconcile with China to clamp down and attack the U.S. with unstoppable military force. The good news is that the enemies within the U.S. government are starting to take off their masks. They not only fervently support socialism, the next path toward communism, but they also support population control, with no rights for unborn life and an unchecked abortion industry that seeks live babies for organ harvesting and tissue research. The enemies within violate the Nuremburg code and want forced and coercive vaccination dictates, even at the state level. Across the U.S. they are taking away parental rights and religious freedom for crucial vaccination decisions, and the enemy is even dictating the doctor-patient relationship, ending medical exemptions to vaccination in places like California. The communists are making a mockery of the rule of law, ending due process, and continuing on with witch hunts while they gaslight the public through the corrupt media, protecting their corruption with foreign oligarchs and communist dictators. As the corruption commences, the U.S. patriot, and the well-armed militia must be prepared for any enemy, foreign or domestic. They must be prepared for any kind of violent invasion, and must not take for granted the potential of communism to take hold of the United States of America, through election or through outright invasion. For more, visit NationalSecurity.News. Sources include: |