Yesterday's Q's were awesome, actually. We just have to solve the disconnects.
Lawsuits against the MSM. There should be a ton. Use the laws we have.
I honesty can't say who controls the (6). GS? C_A? Mos? The Poopie?
The DS, the cabal, the Illuminati, the FM? The CFR? ALL of the above?
Which donkey wins the tail?
Good God, the challenge is HUGE. But to have almost half the country support impeachment says they AREN'T seeing through the lies despite the very best efforts of very fine men and woman. "We" were atuned to hear the truth. The populace? Not so much beyond the economy. And if that's what they vote on, great.
Then, the Anons have their own brand of disconnect, where we see all this intense lawlessness.
I'd rather know than not know, but in light of these egregious Truths, Justice should be swift it seems.
And it's not. All this Righteous Indignation and no place to land a punch.
Nunes is suing. Will that take two years to get through a court?
How long has it been since Smollett, since Nicholas Sandman ? And all we've won is the right to move forward in the pursuit of justice. ergh.
Is there no way to take someone like Sondland who testified to the truth of two TOTALLY opposing stories in the same sitting, and make an example of him? A LEGAL example? Oh heck, how about a character assassination in the court of public opinion. I don't care.
Just do something that gives the masses some sense that justice still lives and will prevail.
In the end, there's tooooo muuuuch taaaalk=noise. Most people don't have a supporting cast behind them like I do. My family does for me all that I should normally be doing for them.
Pick a banner, Truth, Justice, Freedom, Liberty, Constitution, (Levin) the Law (anybody but lying Napolitano). And they SHOWCASE him. Horrible.
Anyway, hang 'em up behind Hannity and let him/them hold one up and make that be the focus of at least a segment of the report. Every Fox program could do a "Foundation Principle of the Day", and highlight it without chatting about it. Just present the facts. Focused. Specific.
Not a panel of talking heads, who invariably talk over one another, each with their own perspective.
I thought the goal was to have people think for themselves.
If people are going to think for themselves out there they need facts, not opinion pieces. Yeah, they do 'facts' but they rush to get more TALK in. LESS TALK, more facts...slowly, so people can absorb it.
The 'visuals' of the facts are on the screen for 3 seconds.
If you're going to red pill someone it takes a short organized list of facts, backed up by evidence IN THE WORLD (exercising the Law), not in some pundits head.
Was that a rant? lol. Exercising Intelligence requires facts. TEAM gives us facts, not opinion.
That's how we're staying together and surviving.
And what a beautiful team it is. I believe they can do everything that's required.
I know why the focus is all on POTUS, but we can let the 'people' out there have their 'daily win' too.
I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience