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 Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants

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Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants Empty
PostSubject: Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants   Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 23, 2013 12:24 pm


Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants as part of climate strategy

By Juliet Eilperin, Published: June 22, 2013 at 3:00 pmE-mail the writer

President Obama will announce Tuesday in a speech at Georgetown University that he plans to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions from existing power plants, according to individuals who have been briefed on the plan but asked not to be identified.

In a statement Saturday afternoon sent via the White House Twitter feed, Obama said that he plans to fulfill the pledge he made in his second inaugural address to “respond to the growing threat of climate change for the sake of our children and future generations.”

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Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants   Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 23, 2013 2:47 pm

DICK TADDER to cut all air conditioners during hot sweltering summer in name of fake climate control!

What did ya think he'd do.

Get ready for lots of Drills and fakeness like Boston and lights out!!! Amerikanski's!
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Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants   Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 23, 2013 2:51 pm

Tuesday DICK will announce how he allowed COREXIT and how no single step can get rid of HIM.
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Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants   Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 23, 2013 3:01 pm

Quote :
DICK TADDER to cut all air conditioners during hot sweltering summer in name of fake climate control!

So what's he planning on doing, pull the plug on every home and business in the nation?  I don't know who Dick Tadder [dictator = "O"] thinks he is but he has set an impossible task.  If he tries something like this he'll likely spark a revolution from a lot of hot, angry, and 'had it up to here' Americans who are already saying, "enough already".  Of course that may be the plan.  An excuse to call down martial law.

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Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants   Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 23, 2013 11:47 pm

Some good funnies if you're interested
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Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants   Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants I_icon_minitime

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