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 Waqf Continues to Destroy Temple-Mount Antiquities

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Waqf Continues to Destroy Temple-Mount Antiquities Empty
PostSubject: Waqf Continues to Destroy Temple-Mount Antiquities   Waqf Continues to Destroy Temple-Mount Antiquities I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 16, 2013 2:57 pm

Waqf Continues to Destroy Temple-Mount Antiquities

Dozens of Jews who ascended the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City were horrified, Monday, to see tractors removing stones and remains from the eastern side of the holy site. Temple Mount organizations said this was renewal of activity that the Supreme Court prohibited before representatives of the Public Committee for the Prevention of Destruction of Antiquities on the Temple Mount could view the finds. Employees of the Waqf Muslim Authority for the Temple Mount explained that the stones were needed for renovations to the Al-Amria Islamic School on the Temple Mount.

The Temple Mount organizations recalled that the Waqf's wholesale removal of artifacts, about two months ago, was only stopped by a demonstration at the Tribes Gate (Sha'ar Hashevatim), next to the Lions' Gate. They said the most recent activity should be a call to all the political parties to make correction of the situation a guideline for the next government which is formed. The organizations said, in a statement, that the Temple Mount, "must not continue to be abandoned to tractors and workers of the Islamic Waqf, who are trying hard to destroy every Jewish trace on the Temple Mount."
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Waqf Continues to Destroy Temple-Mount Antiquities
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