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PostSubject: SOROS EXPOSED BY BECK   SOROS EXPOSED BY BECK I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2020 11:45 am

Glenn Beck Exposes George Soros' Far-Reaching Influence at Fox News

Conservative radio host reveals far-left billionaire's power at TV network

By: Jay Greenberg  |@NeonNettle
 on 22nd September 2020 @ 1.00am

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Glenn Beck says George Soros has far-reaching influence at Fox News

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck has exposed the huge levels of control George Soros has over the establishment media, revealing that the far-left billionaire even has far-reaching influence at Fox News.
Beck, himself a former Fox News host, told the story of how deep the Soros agenda goes at America's largest conservative news network.
“I’ve often told the story of being in Roger Ailes’ office and he said to me at one point; ‘you know what your problem is . . . you won’t play the game.’ He said, ‘look we all we play a game,’” Beck, the owner of the conservative website The Blaze, told Newsmax TV’s Chris Salcedo.
"I was so disgusted by that," Beck declared.
and I said ‘I don’t want to. It’s not a game to me. I don’t want to be a part of that',” he recalled.
“That conversation was about George Soros,” Beck clarified.

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Glenn Beck was responding to Newt Gingrich being cut off on Fox News after making accurate statements about George Soros
During the interview with Salcedo, Beck also accused the Hungarian-born Soros of funding groups that foment unrest in the United States and elsewhere around the world.
“I feel almost as though he is so disconnected from reality it’s almost sociopathic,” Beck said, noting that because of his negative influence on societies a number of countries have banned him or the organizations he funds, including Russia and his home country of Hungary.

Beck went on to explain Soros’ strategy of financing the campaigns of leftist district attorneys and prosecutors who, under the guise of criminal justice reform, adopt policies like eliminating cash bail and refusing to prosecute certain crimes, all of the objective of creating unrest.In the fall of 2017, the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal dubbed Soros the “Connoisseur of Chaos,” according to BizPac Review.
“What he does, he gobbles up the law enforcement, he gobbles up the attorney generals, he gobbles up district attorneys,” Beck said.
“If he can’t change it in Washington or the capital of [a] country, he changes it by going in and controlling who’s prosecuted and who’s not.

“That’s what he’s doing here in America right now,” Beck said, referencing an odd interview involving former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and co-hosts of Fox News’ “Outnumbered” program earlier this week.
Gingrich was essentially shut down by co-hosts Melissa Francis and Marie Harf after he began discussing Soros’ attempts to fund the elections of left-wing prosecutors.
“The number one problem in almost all these cities is George Soros’ elected, left-wing, anti-police, pro-criminal district attorneys who refuse to keep people locked up,” Gingrich said Wednesday.
“Progressive district attorneys are anti-police, pro-criminal and overwhelmingly elected with George Soros’ money, and they’re a major cause of the violence we’re seeing because they keep putting the violent criminals back on to the streets,” the former GOP Speaker from Georgia added.
“I’m not sure we need to bring George Soros into this,” co-host Melissa Francis interjected. 
“He paid for it. He paid for it. Why can’t we discuss the fact that …,” Gingrich shot back before he was cut off by former Obama State Department spokesperson Harf.
“No, he didn’t. I agree with Melissa. George Soros doesn’t need to be a part of this conversation,” she said.
Bill O’Reilly, a long-time, top-rated Fox News host, defended Gingrich as being spot-on regarding his claims about Soros, while also noting that the network has a "hands-off" policy regarding the billionaire leftist.
"So Gingrich is absolutely correct, absolutely right,” O’Reilly said.
"Now, none of the people on the panel seemed to understand what Gingrich was talking about.
“But the rule is, if you invoke the name George Soros, then you are anti-Semitic because Soros is Jewish… That’s what the ladies were responding to.”

:copyright: press
George Soros pumps vast amounts of cash into radical leftist groups, including Black Lives Matter
O’Reilly’s claims were echoed by Beck.
Beck went on to recount a meeting between a top official in his company and a top representative of Soros, the latter of whom essentially demanded that Beck gets on board with Soros’ left-wing agenda for the country.
“The first thing that was said by the Soros representative was ‘your boss is hurting my boss and it’s going to stop,’” he said.
“The last thing he said was ‘I don’t think you understand: The ship has sailed. And you’re either on the ship or you’re not.'”
“The ship I believe he was talking about is the ship that we’re now seeing where this Marxist revolutionary [unrest] that is folding right into the world economics’ great reset,” Beck said.
“That’s the ship that was sailing and everybody has to decide: Are you on the ship or not.”

[RELATED] Petition to 'Declare George Soros a Terrorist & Seize All His Assets' Goes Viral

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PostSubject: Re: SOROS EXPOSED BY BECK   SOROS EXPOSED BY BECK I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2020 3:51 pm

Someone thought this article fit. IDK about that except his money is with Molloch-brown in dominion
and everywhere else.

Billionaire George Soros, who has spent millions of dollars financing Democrats and left-wing causes, used a controversial Panamanian law firm to establish a web of offshore investment partnerships that operate around the world and out of the scrutiny of U.S. regulators, according to leaked documents.

The so-called Panama Papers, a trove of 11.5 million financial documents tracing the Mossack Fonseca law firm’s efforts to help politicians, celebrities and criminals shield their money from taxes, contain links to Soros, who funds the journalism group that is disseminating the information. So far, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has been silent on its benefactor’s ties to the law firm.

Three offshore investment vehicles controlled by Soros are catalogued in the Panama Papers. Soros Finance, Inc. was incorporated in Panama; Soros Holdings Limited was set up in the British Virgin Islands and a limited partnership called Soros Capital was created in Bermuda.

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Last edited by researcher on Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:12 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : made black text display)
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