It's a start. Chain gang 'em to pick crops in the hot California sun for about 25 years until either they drop from exhaustion or die. If they refuse to work, well, that's why MASSA has a bull whip and a shotgun! Before turning them out to the fields to pick crops make sure they have all been sterilized so they can't breed. Otherwise treat them humanely with three meals a day, shelter and a bed, personal hygiene items and showers, and medical care if they get sick and/or they are too weak to work for a short period after the sting of the bullwhip does its thing on the sorry backsides of the really stubborn ones.
OR . . . offer 'em the wood chipper option right up front. Make it redeemable at any time during their incarceration.
MAKE SLAVERY GREAT AGAINOf course the above is all satire. But, if I ran the zoo . . .
I gotta say that just in case any weenies that could be lurking and reading this forum might feel a fiery melt coming on.