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 The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World

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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2022 6:57 am

Very good video to sit back and watch. Researcher, I thought this man was a Brit but on the bedroom tv, he sounds Irish. I don't hear too well so help me out here. Brit or Irish

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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2022 2:20 am

michael371 wrote:
Brit or Irish

Brirish . . .  cheers

Hey Mike . . . . looky here what Jim Stone just posted tonight.
Jim Stone wrote:

30 seconds

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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2022 2:47 am

Y'all might find this interesting. Especially you Mike. Shades of "The Gods of Eden" and such things we discussed many times these past few years.

Sample some brief snippets below that caught my interest. If they catch yours as well then go for the whole enchilada at the link. I probably only snipped and posted about 5% of the article.

brief snippets wrote:
The Tartarians called the Khazars as "Blood drinkers" and "Bloody beards". Genghis Khan was convinced that the Khazars were "ridden by demons”. The way that the “demons” are described by the Mongolians, we modern humans would instantly say “space aliens”.

The Khazarian Mafia is proud of being the “chosen people”. They think being selected to “carry the host (demons)” was a good thing.
The Khazarian Mafia has a core belief of Superiority to all other humans on this, as well as all other "planets and realms". They believe themselves to be superior by physical difference in their DNA to ours. They believe this difference (that i call the "dongle") was given to their progenitors by the Elohim, who are space aliens that came to Earth looking for genetic diversity with which to play, specifically, one whose name was O'Don'ai. The Elohim are seriously into biology.
They know that the genetic alteration is not a dominant trait. It is recessive. Even to an extreme. That is, the ‘dongle’, the addition to the Khazarian DNA by the Elohim, does not breed true against most, native, human DNA. This is THE reason that the 13 families at the top of the Khazarian Mafia insist on interbreeding and will not marry further out than second cousins, and those second cousins will have to have a dominant “dongle” DNA attribute.
The Elohim also moved whole tribes of humans around the planet for breeding experiments. They also destroyed by way of bioweapons, whole strains of human DNA that annoyed them.
The Elohim created the giants. It was an experiment gone wrong. There were many dead ends within their long centuries of experimenting with human DNA. We find these in our fossil records.

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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2022 6:45 am

"Among my people are wicked men who lie in wait like men who snare birds and like those who set traps to catch men. Like cages full of birds, their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful and have grown fat and sleek. Their evil deeds have no limit; they do not plead the case of the fatherless to win it, they do not defend the rights of the poor. Should I not punish them for this?" declares the LORD. "Should I not avenge myself on such a nation as this? A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?" (Jeremiah 5:26-31)

We need to remain awake. Watching and warning those that may have dozed off. Sometimes a good shake is all it takes to get someone to open their eyes.

There comes a time when a follower must use his talent, use his/her gift as The Lord instructs him/her. I can't and don't expect everyone to be as myself. I must follow The Lord's instructions that he has drawn out for me.

There will always be people to come against whatever you do. They came against Jesus Christ, they came against his apostles, and they will come against you and I.

The Adversary has the world in his back pocket and his focus is on spirituality to deceive and draw people away from The Truth. He is so slick at entering among the congregation that the vast majority never had an idea when he slid in beside them. This I believe is massive in scope and not related to only the Catholic Church and Cults.

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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2022 7:16 am

There is no doubt in my mind that most really care very little about anything other than breaking down and tearing apart every fabric of Jesus Christ.

"Good news" is no news......"For all of those of The World."

The very same thing fits with The Gospel (The Good News). Who among all the nations and kingdoms of this World really want to hear a word of it?

I even see it from people who are suppose to be followers of Jesus Christ. Outside of their church building they could care less about bringing up anything related to The Gospel. When someone tries to interject The Gospel into the conversation, watch their faces closely. It's like it embarrasses them in some degree.

The World is nothing more than the playpen of The Adversary.

I see Babylon the Great as any and all false religions and systems that make up The World, not just pointing your finger in one direction. Many will mix a little bit of "A Jesus" in, but "A Jesus" is not The Jesus Christ. The spirit of antichrist is alive and well in these different paths. The cry to come out of her and be not partakers of her sins is what The Good News (The Gospel) is all about.

This goes all the way back to The Tower of Babel. As it fell and crumbled to the ground a long time ago, so will this final Babel fall and crumble to the earth. If the nations and kingdoms of this world refuse to come out of her, then they will be partakers of her sins. The stones of the wrath of the crumbling Babylon the Great will crush them in judgment.

The True Church are......" The Called Out Ones".

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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2022 8:04 am

Researcher, I read the whole article and while I agree with the genetic evil of "those who walk among us" and the whole history of the Khazarians some that is a bit far out there for me although I do agree with his premise of reprobates controlling the whole world order.

He is correct on the general location of the Khazarian people and those people were called "caucasians" due to being from the region of the Caucasus Mountain range. Leaving out the space alien stuff, I found the article interesting and I am not really a fan of Cliff High. I found the "riding demon" stuff interesting. Obviously, I am taking it with a couple of grains of salt but the bible scripture of the locusts of Rev. 9 just jumped into my head( a lot of stuff "jumps into my head" as I age).

Most "normal" people will dismiss Highs article but he outlines,in a raw form, of exactly what I have thought for over 2 decades and I have made it clear on this board.

Scarz, I enjoyed reading your take and I think that I can put it in my simple terms, there are some with no conscience and cannot believe and some who think that they believe, but do they really? There are none on this board that believes the bible, translated properly, more than me. You can believe it equally to me, but not more. I believe, no I KNOW it to be the account of the Living Word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ/Yeshua. I may be wrong on MY understanding but the biblical account is perfect when it was in the form of the original manuscripts. People are lazy Scarz, too busy to care and they rely on easy believist ?(ism) preachers to tell them what to believe. Hell, my wife and I have slightly difference of opinions on some biblical issues, as we all do on this board and what not many know this, but the APOSTLES had different understandings of the gospel.

Researcher, I was hoping the preacher was Irish, but to be a Brit, I find him exceedingly enjoyable and so does my wife. He is actually an English Penecostal,which I found surprising. The guy has really made me re-think some things concerning the end times and the actors involved. The dude knows his stuff and I thank Judy so much for sending us the link!

Pray for Judy us again this week. This will be the 4th straight week of severe storms down here. I would like to share a thought I have concerning this weather but it will have to wait until tomorrow. I was out at daylight running the tiller so I could get a row of radishes planted before the rain and now I have to carry my wife to the store. I worked way too hard the last 4 days trying to get the garden up to snuff before yet another drenching

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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2022 4:45 am

michael371 wrote:

Very good video to sit back and watch. Researcher, I thought this man was a Brit but on the bedroom tv, he sounds Irish. I don't hear too well so help me out here. Brit or Irish
 This guy is way off in my opinion right at the very beginning of his teaching on Revelation 9. He mentions he is just going to use what scripture says......"Not true at all." He should have said....."This was his opinion, because nowhere in The Bible does it ever say that when Jesus Christ received the keys of death and hades that he gave the key to (Hades, Abyss, Hell) to Satan (The Adversary, The Devil) to open it......."Total BS."

Once again, he like so many others are attempting to spin the idea of a rapture into this whole thing. He is saying The Church is gone and now Jesus gives Satan the key to open up the bottomless pit (Abyss). Now if he had given all this as his thinking on the subject, or his opinion, that would be fine......"But he did not." 

I will say it again, He made his stance very clear at the very beginning when he stated how others have their own views of this subject, but he was just going to go by what scripture says.


The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 Runes110
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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2022 7:37 am

Rev 9:1

And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.

At the sound of the fifth trumpet an Angel [Star] falls [Descends] from the heavens to the earth and has in his possession a key to unlock the bottomless pit [Abyss]. I believe this is the same Angel that will lock Satan in the bottomless pit [Abyss] for the Millennium [1,000 years].

Some people believe this Star (Angel, Messenger) that is given the key will be none other than Satan himself, but I don't believe it is. This same Angel that was given the key to unlock the Bottomless Pit (Abyss) will be I believe the same Angel that soon after will cast Satan into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him. I certainly can't see Satan having the key to unlock the Abyss, then use the key to lock himself up. I see this Messenger as having the knowledge, ability, and given the authority to both open and close the Abyss. 

Notice closely that this angel that is about to lock Satan in the Abyss is not given the key......."He already has it." I certainly can't see Satan having the key to unlock the Abyss, then use the same key to lock himself up. I see this Messenger as having the knowledge and ability to both open and close the Abyss. It just makes no sense to me that Jesus Christ would give the key to Satan, take it back from him, give it to another Angel (Messenger) to lock Satan in the bottomless pit.

Rev 20:1-3

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

“Keys” represent power and authority.  Jesus said to Peter, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matt 16:19) 

The LORD God has all power and authority, in Heaven, on earth, and the bottomless pit (Abyss).


The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 Runes110
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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2022 7:33 am

I think that you are probably right Scarz, but I learned long ago to not throw the baby out with the bathwater. As Researcher and I mentioned the other day, sometimes there are various bit of misinfo/poor theology lodged into our brains from way back when we were young and naive concerning scripture. I still have to deal with stuff that lingers from back in my pre-tribber days, so I don't get upset when a preacher makes a misstep concerning prophecy. I do when it concerns doctrine,though. Bad doctrinal theology and existentialism in the Church are two of the reasons that we are in such sad shape in the Christian world. Another is promoting Lordship Salvation over the blood sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.

After another round of storms, I can thankfully say we made it through yet again! Praise the Lord! I can say that Judy made it through but not without some "oh shit" moments. I received an email from her right after my wife had seen a storm chaser/spotter dude(dumbass?) in the area close to here Judy lives that showed the guy not being able to see due to the intense rain. Judy said that what she heard sounded like a tornado and later she sent pics of the flooding at her place, and said that there were more trees down. Our ordeal lasted about 7 minutes but with straight line winds a little before 10 last night. I could hear the wind squalling for about a minute and then it stopped. I have not been outside to see if we had any issues but I don't expect to fond any, (I hope). Ya'll need to come down here and spend one spring with us and enjoy all of the excitement that we experience!!!!!

What I want to throw out there this morning is just some inane theoretical thinking that goes on in this cerebral storehouse of useless stuff that I call my brain. What I will try to explain is above my pay grade and Judy wanted me to write what I was thinking and it concerns this increase of violent storms in the country. When I was growing up, we did not have bad spring weather anywhere near the degree that we have it now. I am sure that better monitoring equipment and methods are part of the reason, but it can't just be that. I played baseball and we rarely had a game rained out and today, the local schools are playing triple-headers and on weekends to try and get a season in.

I am convinced a lack of respect to God is part of the reason,killing babies/men operating as husband and wife and their unnatural marriage being sanctioned by the state are others, but I am wondering of there are geological issues going on with the planet that are causing some problems.

You guys ain't a group of dumbasses so I already assume that you know how a violent storms system works, and also, how the force of gravity is involved in holding our planet into an orderly pattern of rotating around the sun AND how it keeps our bodies from drifting up into oblivion. Everything was designed to fit into an orderly pattern, from the small atom to the whole big universe. What happens if this orderly pattern is upset? Goes from order to disorder? Lets look at the flood. God deemed it necessary to kill every creature except for a floating zoo and 8 souls. How did he do it? The only event that would cause all of what is said in bible to happen is a shift in the polar caps. If the caps shifted as much as 26*,the smart folks tell us that what we read in biblical account would happen. Areas that were tropical because covered in ice. Oceans would cover mountain ranges, islands would disappear and new islands would appear. Extreme weather, horrendous winds and ocean currents and much more. Ya'll have read all of the stories about the quick-frozen mastadons with tropical grass in his stomach and other evidence. So, we know that a shift in the poles is serious business. Now, we know that God put the rainbows up as a sign that He would not ever do that again, so we also know that a polar reversal will not happen. But what about a small shift? Like maybe 2* instead of 26*?

I am going to post a couple of articles that you must read to see where I am coming from. These are legitimate articles from credible( if "credible" still even exists) sources:

There are parts of those articles that contain theoretics but they are enough to get my point across. There is some strong magnetic activity going on in the earth and POSSIBILY some going on in the solar system. They tell us that a shifting in the magnetic poles is not something to be too concerned about? Who says? Any shift or disruption in an precise/orderly pattern creates chaotic results to the sequence of order.

Saying all of that, we all played with magnets as kids(Researcher probably still does) and we see how one pole of the magnet affects another, its affect on metal,etc. Now, back to violent weather: Inside every thunderstorm, electromagnetism takes place creating charged ions that result in lightning and thunder, but there is a magnet force created, also. Wrap the wire around the nail with a dry cell battery and pick up the iron dust, remember that from school? My brain hurting so I need to stop, but its easy to see where I'm heading with this. I'll try to finish tomorrow because there has been something else happen that only a scientist or a fisherman would notice. 3 people noticed it, besides myself, 2 were fisherman the other sits on the porch drinking beer after work  but he sure as hell is no scientist, though,lol.
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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2022 7:35 am

I have thought for some time now that as did (The Devil, The Dragon) who drew away "the third part" of the stars (heavenly host, angels, messengers) and they became apostate, it is very possible that through (The Devil, The Dragon) he will draw "the third part" of believers and they will become apostate (fall away).


Temptation: The enemy discovers a weakness and appeals to it.

Influence: The individual entertains the idea and finally gives in to temptation. A foothold is established in the person’s life, making it harder to resist the same or related activity in the future.

Obsession: The activity eventually becomes an unhealthy preoccupation and irresistible impulse leading to critical degrees of control over the individual. The power to resist is practically gone.

Demonization: Control over the individual by external power becomes substantial. What at one time was considered sinful and to be avoided is now an addiction. The person may no longer even recognize the tendency as immoral, and little or no fortitude to cease participating in the activity remains.

Possession: This can occur if the individual turns his or her back on God so as to fully embrace carnality, surrendering the body and mind to Satan’s control. The desire to resist invasion by discarnate supernaturalism is vacated.

( Written By Tom and Nita Horn..."Forbidden Gates")


The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 Runes110
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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2022 7:59 am

I agree with you Michael about storms and just nature in general. We live in tribulation and as time ticks the tribulation will continue to grow more and more intense, just like birth pains. The closer we get to the return of Jesus Christ the pains get stronger.

Have you ever thought about just the pure strength of nature? I'm going to say something I truly believe. If The LORD God did not "Restrain" nature in some degree we would not be alive. Think about the Restraining (The Restrainer) that keeps things from really getting out of hand. Certainly when I read The Book of Revelation I can see a time when The Restraining will be lifted and The Restrainer will stop restraining nature. All out hell will be a fact.


The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 Runes110
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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2022 8:07 am

@Researcher......This thread just went over the 10,000 views and just like the first thread when it reached the 10,000 mark the views for the thread only change when a person is logged in. If someone is not a member (Lurker) or even members who are not logged in, their viewing of the thread does not change the number of views for the thread.


The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 Runes110
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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2022 11:59 am

ScaRZ wrote:
@Researcher......This thread just went over the 10,000 views and just like the first thread when it reached the 10,000 mark the views for the thread only change when a person is logged in. If someone is not a member (Lurker) or even members who are not logged in, their viewing of the thread does not change the number of views for the thread.

May be time to start up another thread, ScaRZ, like you've done in the past. I'll pin it as always.  nice thread

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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2022 12:31 pm

researcher wrote:
May be time to start up another thread, ScaRZ, like you've done in the past. I'll pin it as always.  nice thread

When I get some time tomorrow morning I will do that........."Thank you sir."


The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 Runes110
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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2022 1:12 pm

ScaRZ wrote:
researcher wrote:
May be time to start up another thread, ScaRZ, like you've done in the past. I'll pin it as always.  nice thread

When I get some time tomorrow morning I will do that........."Thank you sir."
Bwhaha!!! Don't matter what you call it, I'ma post what I want to in it anyway!. Thats over 20,000 eyes that looked at that thread, unless of course, some that viewed are one-eyed, which would skew the total number of eyes. Some people say they have a third eye but I've never seen a person with 3 eyes before, not saying they don't exist of course. If I, by chance, had a third eye, it would probably be situated on my ass because thats how I see things anyway, mostly assbackwards. It would be neat to have an eye in your ass, but if you wore clothes you'd have to have designer jeans with a peephole, like those in the front door, in order to see anything behind you. Nudists would have no problem but I don't think we need to go there. Just think of all the possibilities if a person had a third eye in their butt and a peephole in their pants.....I'll show myself out

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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2022 4:42 pm

Mike, you got a like because you made me laugh for the first time today. 

You just won the forum!   servin up coolness

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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2022 10:08 pm

We made it. Got power just before dark .  I wanted to let everyone know and say that I do think something just isn't right with all of this crazy weather. We had the extreme alerts come on our phone and headed to the tornado room 3 x yesterday afternoon ...last time was a doozy .. For the last 3 weeks, every Tuesday or Wed we have had a many  tree  knocking down storm . Strong winds all week.  Just not normal -They seem to follow the same path too..  We pray for  Him to watch over us every day. The evil one is ready to pounce though so  must stay on alert and stay strong in our faith no matter how bad things get.
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PostSubject: Re: The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World   The Bible,Ancient Text and The Spiritual World - Page 16 I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2022 5:34 am

@Researcher........You can lock this thread now. Thank you for all your great work on the forum.

New thread

The Bible, Tribulation, Revelation


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