This is worth noting and worth a dedicated topic. Y’all join in.
Sooooo, empty threat – saber rattling – psyop – or are the Chicoms serious? Gott give ‘em credit for laying the guilt trip to the gullible that Japan is the only nation on earth to have ever suffered a nuking. That alone, like that holocaust guilt trip that the Jews trot out daily is worthy of a psyop academy award.
Keep in mind that Merica is obligated to defend Japan should war happen – AND – keep in mind that India has nukes and China is surely programmed into more that a few missile guidance systems. India and China are already at each others throats. One match on the wrong fuse and its BOOM TIME for Xi-Poogh and Chicomland. Bye-bye China.
This is how the CCP behaves among the community of nations. This announcement should mean imposing the most severe sanctions on China immediately. They're playing with a nuclear war. That is absolutely unacceptable.
And I just checked - that longer video Ms. Zeng linked above has been removed.