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 Jim Staley

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PostSubject: Jim Staley   Jim Staley I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2013 4:46 pm

Passion for Truth

YouTube Channel

Quote :

Jim Staley - The "Sons of God" and the Nephilim

Jim just put this up on youtube about 1 week ago. Most definitely worth a watch. Jim Staley has some really great stuff on his youtube channel. Here's the link to Jim's channel.

Audio Only:

researcher wrote:
Jim Staley uploaded a great four part series he's been teaching on Bible prophecy and the end of the age. He sees things possibly happening a little differently and to give him credit where credit is due, he makes a whol lotta sense. He's pulled together what is happening in the middle east these past few months and he got my attention really fast and held it. I was hooked, so hooked in fact that I watched all four video parts back-to-back without going to bed last night even. The sun came up sometime during the end of part three. Laughing He did these over a four week period, one video a week. I don't know the exact time these were made but he talks about the protests in the middle east and the Japan earthquake. If I had to guess I say it was done about the April - June 2011 time-frame. Each part is over an hour and really should be watched in chronological order. Here's the link to the discussion thread:

[size=150]EDIT:[/size] I've added audio links

Part #1 Audio:
Part #2 Audio:
Part #3 Audio:
Part #4 Audio:

Part #1: Egypt's role in the final days.
Part #2: Jacob - Esau - Ishmael and the worlds longest running family feud.
Part #3: The beasts of Daniel and Revelation from a totally different point of view.
Part #4: The rapture.

Quote :
Jim Staley: Case for the Covenant

Wonderful new teaching from Jim Staley. There wasn't enough room on the subject line for the entire title of this teaching. The entire title is: Case for the Covenant (And the Reason for the Second Coming)

May you be blessed.

Quote :
Jim Staley: Discover the Depth of the Hebrew Alphabet

Jim Staley is putting a new teaching series up titled "Discover the Depth of the Hebrew Alphabet". So far he's put up two videos and as he adds more to the series I'll edit this posting to add the new ones on under the previous ones. Part 01 on top, part 02 under that, part 03 under that, and so on.

Part 01:
Part 02:
Part 03:
Part 04:

Quote :
Jim Staley - What is True Faith (Two Part Video Teaching)

I just finished watching this two part series by Jim Staley titled, "What is True Faith - Unlocking the Kingdom in Your Life" and all I can say is this, "I was mightily blessed". What a message. DelfI once wrote that Jim Staley had become one of her top 5 teachers but after this one he just may earn the number one spot.

Shalom and enjoy.

Part 01:
Part 02:

Quote :
Jim Staley - God's Prophetic Calendar Series

More good teachings from Jim Staley. We have here his teachings on the feast of trumpets and the day of atonement. I'm betting that he'll soon follow up with a tabernacles teaching as well and I'll get that one up when it shows up on YouTube.

Atonement [Yom Kippur]:
Trumpets [Yom Teruah]:
Tabernacles [Sukkot]: [pending]

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