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 Fukushima - epa change forthcoming

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Fukushima - epa change forthcoming Empty
PostSubject: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2013 10:03 am

I've posted quite a bit of stuff on the 777 goes down thread. Excessive atmospheric radiation may or may not have been the cause, but a JAL flight from Tokyo to SF the day after turned around after 3 hours flight time with significant hydraulic issues. Radiation damages the hydraulics in an aircraft.

"In unusually candid comments, Shunichi Tanaka, the head of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, also said that neither his staff nor the plant’s operator knew exactly where the leaks were coming from, or how to stop them. "

Not terribly comforting given that the radiation has spiked profoundly over the last few days. Elvis has left the building. (reactor core outside containment) No spirit of fear, but the sooner its known the sooner one can adjust accordingly.

Last edited by quietobserver on Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:38 am; edited 34 times in total (Reason for editing : Title update)
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Fukushima - epa change forthcoming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 18, 2013 9:32 am

Alarm as steam rises from Fukushima No. 3 reactor — Concern about uncontrolled chain reaction — Contains highly lethal MOX fuel — Tepco: “We don’t believe an emergency situation is breaking out” (VIDEO)

These are the same Tepco officials who are yet to admit much of anything HAS EVER happened at Fukushima. Its steaming because the nuclear reactions inside the reactor are still occurring, generating heat which is BOILING THE COOLING WATER creating steam.  Normally this steam would power a steam turbine and create electricity but at Fukushima this irradiated steam is once again venting into the atmosphere. On the bright side it DOES mean that reactor 3 is still in the containment unit. Over two years after the meltdowns the reactors are essentially still "running".
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 18, 2013 7:31 pm

"We think it's possible that rain made its way through the reactor building and having fallen on the primary containment vessel, which is hot, evaporated and created steam," said Mayumi Yoshida, a Tepco spokeswoman."

They need to do a better job keeping up with the chronology of lies they're telling because the hydrogen explosion after the initial meltdown blew the primary containment vessel, or so they said. Soooooo how is rain now evaporating off of it???
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2013 10:55 am

AP: Tepco admits radioactive water is flowing into Pacific from Fukushima plant — AFP: Experts warn of effects on humans; “Fears of ocean contamination”

AP, July 22, 2013 at 7:06a ET: Operator of crippled Japan nuke plant finally admits radioactive water leak into sea [...] A Japanese utility has said its crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is likely to have leaked contaminated water into sea, acknowledging for the first time a problem long suspected by experts. Experts have suspected a continuous leak since the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant was ravaged by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. [...] TEPCO said Monday the leak has stayed near the plant inside the bay. [...]

AFP, July 22, 2013: [Tepco] on Monday admitted for the first time that radioactive groundwater has leaked out to sea, fuelling fears of ocean contamination. [...] The admission came the day after Japanese voters went to the polls in an election [...] “But now we believe that contaminated water has flown out to the sea,” a TEPCO spokesman said Monday. [...] “Seawater data have shown no abnormal rise in the levels of radioactivity.”[...] Environment experts warn that such leakage may affect marine life and ultimately impacting humans who eat sea creatures. [...]
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 23, 2013 6:45 am

Just In: ‘Fukushima reactor site engulfed by steam’ — ‘Something like steam’ coming from unknown source at Unit No. 3 — ‘Continuously wafting through the air’ — Work to remove rubble suspended

Kyodo, July 23, 2013: [... Tepco] said Tuesday it has confirmed “something like steam” is coming out of the No. 3 reactor building again [...Tepco] said one of its monitoring cameras showed what appeared to be steam coming out of the building’s fifth floor just above the reactor container at around 9:05 a.m. Tuesday. The steam continued to be seen at 10:30 a.m.  [...] TEPCO has suspended work to remove rubble at the reactor building due to the apparent steam emission, they said.

Washington Post, July 23, 2013: [...] Tepco also said in an e-mailed statement today that steam from an unknown source that was first spotted near the fifth floor of the Fukushima plant’s No. 3 reactor building on July 18 was seen again this morning. [...]

The Australian, July 23, 2013 (h/t RadChick): Fukushima reactor site engulfed by steam [...] Workers at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan have reported steam inside a battered reactor building for the second time in less than a week. The operator said today steam was seen around the fifth floor of the building housing Reactor No 3 shortly after 9am [...] Steam was spotted in the same area on Thursday [...] with TEPCO saying it did not know for sure what had caused it. [...]

TEPCO Press Release, July 23, 2013: Steam Found Near the Central Part of the Fifth Floor (Equipment Storage Pool Side) of Unit 3 Reactor Building at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Follow-up Information 9) [...] This is a follow-up report on the statuses of steam found wafting through the air near the central part of the fifth floor (equipment storage pool side) of Unit 3 on July 18. At around 9:05 AM today (July 23), we found steam coming from near the central part of the fifth floor (equipment storage pool side) of Unit 3 by a camera. [...] The steam is continuously wafting through the air as of 10:30 AM. We will continue to monitor the status closely.
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Fukushima - epa change forthcoming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 23, 2013 9:32 am

"Forty Good Years and One Bad Day"

Fukushima update and the possible solutions that Tokyo electric isn't willing to spend the money to do.

Ironic title coming from a nuclear physicist......

Marshal Law & dictatorship will be the LAST thing we're all worried about if this situation isn't rectified . Then again, that may be the point.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 23, 2013 6:22 pm

BBC: It’s boiling inside Fukushima Unit No. 3 — Reactor supposed to be in cold shutdown — Situation ‘worrying’

This chap should be knighted.......The water is boiling, making steam, no turbine to power, nowhere for the steam to go....bloody hell write an article and hope it fixes itself already.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 24, 2013 6:22 pm

Background Information:
The outdoor temperature = 64 degrees F
Tepco suspended an IR camera from a crane inside the  severely damaged reactor building. Note they say 5-40M above the reactor building floor (so much damage & radiation they're not sure what's in tact and what isn't)
The temperature in the reactor building WAS 76 degrees F on 7/20
The temperature in the reactor building IS NOW 94 degrees. This ISN"T STEAM hitting the IR camera. The ambient air temperature is increasing because the reactor & the spent fuel cores are now molten corium burrowing through concrete & into the ground.

ABC (Australia), July 23, 2013: It’s taken about two-and-a-half years, but it seems the Japanese government is finally losing patience with the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant. The reason: its haphazard approach to stabilising the complex. Last week it was unexplained steam rising from the shattered remains of the building housing the melted reactor number three. This week it’s TEPCO’s admission that radioactive water from the plant has probably been leaking into the Pacific for the last three months. [...]
NHK WORLD, July 23, 2013: [...] Tokyo Electric Power Company admitted for the first time on Monday that tainted water is seeping into the sea from the plant site, based on its analysis of water levels underground and in the adjacent sea. High levels of groundwater contamination have been identified [... Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide] Suga told reporters after the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday that the government views this as a grave matter. [...]
NHK WORLD, July 23, 2013: A senior Japanese government official has criticized the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant for failing to stop radioactive water leaking into the ocean. Tokyo Electric Power Company officials announced on Monday that new findings suggest tainted water has been leaking into the ocean since April. Officials from the Industry Ministry inspected the plant later on Monday. Senior vice minister Kazuyoshi Akaba says the situation is deplorable. [...]

AFP, July 24, 2013: [...] Today, TEPCO said workers had noticed steam around the fifth floor of the building housing Reactor Number 3, which was wrecked by the tsunami of March 2011. It was the second time in two days and the third time in a week that steam had been observed. The firm has said there has been no increase in the amount of radioactive material being released, although it does not know where the steam is coming from.

TEPCO, July 24, 2013: Steam Found Near the Central Part of the Fifth Floor (Equipment Storage Pool Side) of Unit 3 Reactor Building at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Follow-up Information 12) [...] This is a follow-up report on the statuses of steam found wafting through the air near the central part of the fifth floor (equipment storage pool side) of Unit 3 on July 18. At around 4:15 AM today (July 24), we found steam coming from near the central part of the fifth floor (equipment storage pool side) of Unit 3 by a camera. [...]

Asahi, July 24, 2013: High levels of radiation were detected near an area where steam was spotted July 23 at the No. 3 reactor building of the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co., the plant operator, said. TEPCO gave a measurement of 562 millisieverts per hour. The Nuclear Regulation Authority, the government’s nuclear industry watchdog, instructed TEPCO to investigate further because the dose level is high. [...]
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 24, 2013 6:57 pm

FYI I'm not going to post the person's name but if you sift through the comments section & look up a poster or two you'll see that one of the persons posting comments at ENE works:

National Military Command Center (NMCC)
The National Military Command Center (NMCC) is located in the Joint Staff area of the Pentagon. The NMCC is responsible for generating Emergency Action Messages (EAMs) to launch control centers, nuclear submarines, recon aircraft and battlefield commanders worldwide.
The NMCC staff provides continuous operation monitoring, reporting, training, maintenance management, and coordination for all communications-electronics activities and systems supporting the NMCC to ensure minimum essential National Military Command System (NMCS) connectivity for the Single Integrated Operational Plan execution, worldwide situation monitoring, and crisis management. It also provides Joint Staff with ADP operations, support and information relating to operational capabilities of the United States in the area of nuclear command and control, primarily missile warning systems of the Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment (ITW/AA) network.
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Fukushima - epa change forthcoming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 1:13 pm

High radiation levels found near area where steam spotted at Fukushima plant

Fukushima - epa change forthcoming Fukushima_10
High levels of radiation were detected near an area where steam was spotted July 23 at the No. 3 reactor building of the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co., the plant operator, said.
TEPCO gave a measurement of 562 millisieverts per hour.
The Nuclear Regulation Authority, the government’s nuclear industry watchdog, instructed TEPCO to investigate further because the dose level is high.
What appeared to be steam was spotted near an equipment storage pool on the fifth floor of the No. 3 reactor building around 9:05 a.m. There was a similar occurrence on the morning of July 18.
In the latest incident, TEPCO measured radiation levels in 24 other locations around the fifth floor of the reactor building. The maximum dose was 2,170 millisieverts per hour, while the minimum was 137 millisieverts per hour.
Read full article
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2013 11:03 am


Dale Klein, former head of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), told a panel in Tokyo.
"It also appears that you are not keeping the people of Japan informed. These actions indicate that you don't know what you are do not have a plan and that you are not doing all you can to protect the environment and the people."

Read more:

The US has now re-tasked 2 satellites to Fukushima & the Formosat satellite that WAS providing daily updates and info to the general public is now no longer available.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2013 11:50 am

And...........its on fire again. There's nothing to 'burn' per se except except uncooled reactor fuel.

Its been reigniting off & on for a couple of days now.
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Fukushima - epa change forthcoming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2013 7:25 pm


Last edited by jem on Mon May 26, 2014 8:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 27, 2013 10:20 am

Working on getting appropriate information now that 2.5 years later its actually getting worse in some parts of the plant. Now that Tepco is be extricated to a certain degree the Western scientists & agencies will leak data at an unheard of rate. There are (were) 6 reactors on site that are in differing states of chaos. I'm working on some basic assistance 'pointers' I'll post here very soon, i.e. foods to NOT eat & foods to eat. There are actually quite a few things the Lord put on this earth that do a wonderful job of flushing poisons from our bodies and some work great on rads. Otherwise they linger & continue damaging the body. Two possibly three of the six melted down back in 2011. If you follow earthquakes you might remember the hundreds if not thousands of 'aftershocks' following the quake. Many of them were not natural earthquakes. They were subterranean nuclear detonations from damaged core elements that had become so hot they melted through their steel containment, literally fell on a concrete floor & melted through it, fell to the earth and began burrowing creating basically the equivalent of a corium lava tube until reaching criticality & causing an explosive detonation. (Creates the same EQ 'signature' as when any country tests a nuclear device underground. That's how we 'know' when the N. Koreans or anyone else tests) If one looks at the earthquake data following the event you can see that hundreds of quakes occurred within a KM or two of the plant and at depths of less than a KM to 5K or so and caused classic nuclear detonation signatures. Everyone knew it but it was being covered up by TPTB if you will so as to not induce panic. I couldn't post anything on the other forum at the time & didn't realize no one was writing about it over there.

jem wrote:
Thanks for the updates. Especially about the planes, I haven't heard that anywhere else.

Did you ask if we are prepared for nuclear meltdown? Any suggestions?
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 27, 2013 10:32 am

TOKYO—Extremely high concentrations of radiation have been detected in water from near one of the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant........Radiation of 750 million becquerels a liter of cesium-134 and 1.6 billion becquerels a liter of cesium-137 was recorded, Tepco said. The normal limits for the two potentially harmful isotopes are 60 and 90 becquerels.

The radiation is millions of times higher than Japan's acceptable limit under normal circumstances.

(and they raised the 'acceptable' limit after the event occurred in 2011.)

Since one of the cores was on fire or more appropriately glowing the other night the water they're pumping into the containment device becomes irradiated beyond belief. It then leaks because the buildings are still badly damaged. Even when they rotate in and out to repair damage the radiation and heat damages the repairs after a short period of time.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2013 9:01 pm


"Sharp" increase in espionage related to US developed radiation-hardened electronics.

“have demonstrated a strong interest in obtaining export-controlled U.S. rad-hard circuitry,”

Info on radiation-hardened circuitry "will very likely remain highly sought after" from now into the foreseeable future.

Vast majority of the spying originating in S.E. Asia.

praise Unclass Targeting US Technologies_FINAL.pdf][/url]
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2013 10:00 pm

Rising Tritium Could Trigger Huge Fukushima Blasts
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 29, 2013 9:49 am

Thanks Jrcole. Possibly & or more than likely such blasts would occur, as most think they have in the past, underground generating more shallow EQ's. Although after two years no one really knows how far some of the reactor core elements have wandered NSEW from their original lat./long. positions. They seem to be prepping to bring in neutron detectors to locate the corium that has bored into the Earth but have yet to address what many feel is the obvious: What if much of it has burrowed too deep or burrowed into positions beneath the Pacific that man has no technology to retrieve it, even if we can 'locate' it. It either uses naturally occurring water in the water table to cool, while irradiating the water table, or it gets 'stuck' burrowing through bedrock or more dense layers at which point it heats until it ignites, freeing it to burrow again after the blast. I'll look for the pics I have from the months after the blast that were sent out from many of the engineers who've now passed away. Molten corium rivers leaving the steel reactors and pooling on the concrete containment building floor & subsequently eating through the concrete and flowing into the Earth. That stuff eats steel reinforced concrete at a couple inches an hour or more.

On a potentially prophetic note one can research the Chernobyl aftermath & read that most said irradiated water has a metallic, bitter taste. It isn't the radiation itself its the particles it binds to that end up in the water that give it the nasty taste. This also dovetails into the point that the radiation leaching into the Pacific binds with the salt in the ocean and falls to the sea floor. So we consequently have an irradiated sea floor and a salinity change in the world's oceans. NASA put up the Aquarius satellite in the fall of 2011 after Fukushima to monitor ocean salinity levels. Difficult to prove the two events are related, but circumstantial evidence is beginning to add up everywhere. Whales & other ocean sea creatures have no way of knowing they're being irradiated but they do know what the sea temperature & salinity levels are.

Jrcole wrote:
Rising Tritium Could Trigger Huge Fukushima Blasts
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 29, 2013 6:49 pm

Wayne Brittenden, host: [...] This latest revelation, the leaking of radioactive water into the sea to harm marine and ultimately human life, hasn’t just happened — the revelation came a day after Prime Minister and nuclear power devotee Shinzo Abe was re-elected.

At ~12:00 in
Arnie Gundersen, former nuclear industry executive and now chief engineer at the Fairewinds organisation: The net effect is the Pacific near Japan, and likely the whole Pacific, over the next 5 years will have cesium levels 5 to 10 times higher than what they were at the peak of bomb testing. So this is the biggest release of radiation to a body of water in the history of the world, much worse than Chernobyl. So the net effect is we’ve contaminated the biggest body of water on the planet [...]

Little big boys & their thirst for control & power.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 30, 2013 1:17 pm

 Most current available as of right now. That doesn't look really encouraging. Like Jrcole's article says this thing could blow sky high again & it would be quite a bit worse than the original meltdowns.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 01, 2013 3:59 pm

Revealed: The deeper they check underneath Fukushima plant, the higher contamination levels get — Now sampling over 40 feet below surface

Asahi: Tepco’s done nothing for over 2 years to stop highly radioactive Fukushima leak — Water above 1 sievert per hour — Admits work “has not been done to this day because of difficulties involved”
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 01, 2013 7:00 pm


Last edited by jem on Mon May 26, 2014 8:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 01, 2013 7:06 pm

I have 6 or 7 sites I've been intending on condensing and posting on an abridged basis but at this point I'm just going to slam info out tonight/tomorrow.

I won't ever eat Pacific seafood again as much as that makes me cringe.

jem wrote:
Some tips for combatting radiation poisoning:

I noticed Kombucha tea (way down at the bottom). Something I make all the time and recommend.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 01, 2013 7:18 pm


Last edited by jem on Mon May 26, 2014 8:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 01, 2013 7:34 pm


How To Detox Radiation Poisoning

(KELP IS SEAWEED lol but notsomuch)

Simple foods provide protection against radiation exposure

Discover How To Detoxify Your Body Naturally From Dangerous Radiation Exposure

There are also numerous resources located at steve & stan that can provide assistance. I've been using ENERHEALTH products for several years that are found (I believe) on both sites. Its basically powdered veggies for people like me who'd rather eat pizza and blueberry muffins. Mix it with apple juice and down it for your daily vegetables.

Another good site for links & info:

Further if anyone has any questions feel free to pm me or post them and I'll do my best to refer you to either websites with information or readily available library books. I'm not an expert on an exposed core nuclear meltdown; but then again, no one else technically is either as this is a merging of theoretical science and real world occurrence.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 01, 2013 7:47 pm

Thanks as well. On the bright side Our Father did bless us with numerous & redundant ways to cleanse our bodies from the radiation anyone can expect from this and potentially upcoming radiological events. Watching & preparing make all the difference in the world.

Blackened Chilean Sea Bass is (now WAS) my favorite meal and I love(d) various Tuna sushi rolls. There hasn't been Tuna caught for ??????? long now that hasn't been irradiated. Countries keep raising the acceptable limit and Charlie the tuna keeps failing......

jem wrote:
Thanks quiet observer and amen to not eating Pacific seafood, or Gulf seafood, or ... the list of toxic food is getting pretty long now.
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The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 03, 2013 8:39 pm

Re: mystery objects GZ

These "things" are literally MOX fuel related 'atmospheric fallout'. Only possible explanation. Uranium & Plutonium in the MOX undergo fission and 'split' creating cesium. On the bright side the half-life of cesium is only 30 or so years making it a lesser of the nasties.

Regarding your groundwater comment its been in the groundwater since day 1 evidently. The Corium melted through and into the Earth from the beginning they're now admitting, finally. Not that most people needed them to say so but....

More reading at ENE News but as far as I'm concerned there haven't been material changes, just changes in what they're finally admitting.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 04, 2013 3:30 pm

Yeah my prayers are that when debris starts washing up it isn't some of the "worst of the worst" radioactivity wise. The article you posted was a little spooky because the mystery objects they described sound like they could be quite buoyant. Rubber, plastic, wood chip, fluffy like or whatever the exact descriptions were made me immediately think of stuff that would all float.

BTW guess what's heading for the west coast/Hawaii/Alaska...all this fallout.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 04, 2013 8:06 pm

Just went back and did some follow-up reading. This made a splash earlier this year but it caught my eye again and there is now some verbiage available that wasn't available before:


Bill Summary & Status
113th Congress (2013 - 2014)

Latest Title: Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013

Title I: Strengthening National Preparedness and Response for Public Health Emergencies -

Requires the Strategy to include:(1)........blah blah blah.......(2).......blah blah blah.......(3).........blah blah blah.......(4)strategic initiatives to advance countermeasures to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or treat harm from any biological agent or toxin or any chemical, radiological, or nuclear agent or agents, whether naturally occurring, unintentional, or deliberate........................

Requires the Secretary to take into account the material threat posed by the chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agent for which the countermeasure under review is intended when evaluating a countermeasure for approval, licensure, or clearance.
Extends the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemption for specific technical data or scientific information that is created or obtained during countermeasure and product advanced research and development under PHSA that reveals significant and not otherwise known vulnerabilities of existing medical or public health defenses against biological, chemical, nuclear, or radiological threats.

Mentions "BARDA" numerous times:

Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).

"The development of five new drugs to treat injuries associated with acute radiation syndrome will move forward under contracts awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)."

not a new article but its an interesting read
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 05, 2013 9:36 am

Shinji Kinjo, head of a Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) task force, told Reuters.
Countermeasures planned by Tokyo Electric Power Co are only a temporary solution, he said.

Tepco's "sense of crisis is weak," Kinjo said. "This is why you can't just leave it up to Tepco alone" to grapple with the ongoing disaster.

"Right now, we have an emergency," he said.

Discern & draw your own conclusions, but its not going to get better as long as men are trying to fix this problem. We literally don't have the technology to fix this. Now that its making Reuters headlines it'll be easier to get info but if there are radiation supplies anyone wants to order you'd better do it now.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 05, 2013 9:48 am

Fukushima Unit No. 3 steaming — Lasted more than four hours today — Observed ‘intermittently’ over past 13 days

The two videos posted above are what they're referring to, one from 7/26 the other from 7/31. The fuel rods, spent and otherwise, are still reacting generating heat & boiling the water. The steam's radioactivity is off the charts and just drifting into the atmosphere. Further, the duration and intensity of the steaming regrettably looks to be ramping up not tapering down. They were evidently hoping it would belch a little steam and then calm down, but it ain't happenin' captain.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 05, 2013 2:13 pm

Gotta thank quietobserver for keeping us all informed on this and for keeping it all in one thread. That makes things easy to locate and also establishes a running history. This thread along with some of Springs on the old forum are my "go to" places when I need Fukushima info. nice thread thank you
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PostSubject: Spill-over threat: Fukushima radioactive groundwater rises above barrier level   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 05, 2013 10:11 pm

Spill-over threat: Fukushima radioactive groundwater rises above barrier level

August 4, 2013

Radioactive groundwater at the Japanese crippled nuclear plant has risen to levels above a barrier built to try and contain it – with risks of spilling over and reaching the ocean, Japanese media report.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), which is responsible for decommissioning the wrecked plant, estimated that contaminated groundwater could reach the surface within three weeks, the Asahi newspaper said.

One of the biggest challenges facing Tepco is to try and contain the radioactive water that cools the destroyed reactors as it mixes with 400 tonnes of fresh groundwater pouring into the plant every day.

The company has been attempting to inject a chemical into the ground to create a barrier to physically contain the groundwater, but the method is only effective 1.8 meters below the surface, whereas data from test wells shows that contaminated water has already risen to one meter below the surface.

A Tepco official said at the Friday meeting that equipment to pump out the water would only be in place at the end of August. According to local media reports, Tepco would need to pump out 100 tonnes of water daily to prevent leakage into the ocean.

But it is not clear where the contaminated water would be stored as more than 85% of Fukushima’s 380,000 tonne storage capacity is already full.

Workers have already built more than 1,000 tanks to store mixed water, which accumulates at the rate of an Olympic sized swimming pool every week.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

The tanks were built in a hurry from parts of old containers brought to the site from closed down factories and then reassembled together with new parts and the steel bolts holding the tanks together will corrode in a few years.

Tepco admits it has no idea how long the tanks will hold and estimates it will need to double capacity over the next three years if it is to contain all the water. After that it has no long term plan.

The decommissioning engineers also want to stem the flow of groundwater before it reaches the reactors by channeling it around the plant and into the sea. The plan is to capture the groundwater at the elevated end of the complex and divert it into a system of wells and pipes into the ocean.

Local fishermen are opposed to the idea and have rejected Tepco’s claims that radiation levels would be negligible.

Some of Tepco’s other efforts to stop radioactive water from leaking into the sea include sinking an 800-meter-long steel barrier along the coastline and even freezing the ground with technology used in subway-tunnel construction.

Experts from across the nuclear industry are not impressed and in January Tepco found fish contaminated with high levels of radiation inside a port at the plant.

As well as the problem of contaminated water Tepco has also not solved why the plant intermittently emits steam, if the repaired cooling system will hold and why groundwater is seeping into the basement.

Tepco admitted on Friday that an estimated 20 to 40 trillion Becquerel’s of tritium may have flowed into the Pacific Ocean since May 2011. Tritium has a half-life of twelve years. Tritium is only dangerous when it is inhaled, ingested via food or water or absorbed through the skin.

While in March a rat shorted a temporary switchboard and cut power used to cool spent uranium fuel rods for 29 hours.

Economic with the truth

Industry experts and analysts are concerned at Tepco’s inability to get to grips with the problems on the site and whether it can successfully decommission the Fukushima plant.

“They let people know about the good things and hide the bad things. This culture of cover-up hasn’t changed since the disaster,” Atusushi Kasai, a former researcher at the Japan Atomic Energy Institute, told Japan Today.

Japan’s nuclear energy watchdog expressed alarm at Tepco’s own admission last month that radioactive water was leaking into the ocean as it was in direct contradiction to what they had previously said.

“They had said it wouldn’t reach the ocean, that they didn’t have the data to show that it was going into the ocean,” said Masashi Goto, a former nuclear engineer who has worked at plants run by Tepco.

Dale Klein who chairs a third-party panel commissioned by Tepco to oversee the reform of its nuclear division believes they are incompetent rather than deliberately withholding information.

“The plant is in a difficult physical configuration. I have some sympathy. It’s not the fact that we’re having surprises – it’s the way they are handling them. That’s where my frustrations are,” he said.

Tepco’s handling of the clean-up has further complicated Japan’s attempts to restart its 50 nuclear power plants, almost all of which have been idle since the disaster, forcing the country to import expensive fossil fuels for its energy needs.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2013 9:36 am

"The tanks were built in a hurry from parts of old containers brought to the site from closed down factories and then reassembled together with new parts and the steel bolts holding the tanks together will corrode in a few years."

Lemme guess, the 'new parts' are bailing wire, duct tape, and JB Weld. You can understand that some issues don't present themselves with a viable solution, but these Beverly hillbilly tanks storing the most radioactive water on the planet are beyond me. Two and a half years after the fact they could have literally constructed a steel foundry and concrete plant near the site to fabricate and manufacture anything they needed. As little as they're doing now to solve the problem they'll do even less if they can get away with it once they're economy goes.

The fact of the matter is everything is so darn radioactive their options are limited unless the employee has a death wish.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2013 10:11 am

Sometimes a picture or two is worth a 1000 words. (fyi this is from an hour or so ago) You can also see the flash on the live cam I've linked to previously, just find today's video posted with a small delay.


Fukushima - epa change forthcoming 06001_zps451fbefd

Radioactive Steam (note you can still see it though)

Fukushima - epa change forthcoming 06065png_zps7c8890d0
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2013 10:51 am

The level of radioactive cesium was 14 times higher than the reading logged last Wednesday. Strontium and other radioactive materials that emit beta rays were 46 times higher.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2013 11:05 am

Oregon Health Officials: We are actively monitoring the situation in Japan — We are not ‘yet’ mobilizing in response to the news — We will respond with enhanced efforts as appropriate

Important to keep in mind it takes several days (6+) depending on current atmospheric conditions for Fuku to reach the west coast.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2013 3:54 pm

Link to the "NEWS" section and salutations to Dove.

All science aside given the present state of America I find more than a bit of irony in the fact that we struck Hiroshima via the "E-NOLA Gay" & the bomb christened "Little Boy". Further, last weekend was a 'boys weekend for the birthday boy'.?????????

Sorry, I just threw up but only a little.

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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2013 4:48 pm

Third attempt at this. Couple of questions via pm/email, here's a nice common sense article that explains a lot.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2013 5:06 pm

Now that 'Old Faithful' is off the bench I salute the boys at the bumblehive.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2013 8:40 pm

 thank you thank youthank you
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PostSubject: Fukishima – The Ticking Time Bomb….   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 07, 2013 9:00 am

A Black Swan event is an event in human history that was unprecedented and unexpected at the point in time it occurred. When will the next one hit.....

Fukushima - epa change forthcoming Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ0bG_8H_T50Ss7PAeIChzB3XF7bxwIsWlHBiI_q58EKnPlkxiXGQ

There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.    L A Marzulli "I believe the Fukishima reactor leak, can be classified as a fearful event…."

Fukishima – The Ticking Time Bomb….

Posted by lamarzulli on August 6, 2013
Fukushima - epa change forthcoming Fukushima_radiation_mapCommentary & Anaylsis
L. A. Marzulli
Fukushima emergency declared as radioactive water spills over | Environment | The Guardian

Highly radioactive water seeping into the ocean from Japan‘s crippledFukushima nuclear plant is creating an “emergency” that the operator is struggling to contain, according to the country’s nuclear watchdog.

The contaminated groundwater had breached an underground barrier, was rising towards the surface and exceeded legal limits of radioactive discharge, said Shinji Kinjo, head of a Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) taskforce. Countermeasures planned by Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) were only a temporary solution, he said.

We have been keeping a watchful eye on the developments at the site of the Fukishima/Diaichi nuclear power plant, in Japan.  It would appear the Japanese have failed in their obligation to stop the spread of contaminated water, which has been leaking into the Pacific Ocean.

What amazes me is the quote from David Yogi, who is a spokesman for the US environmental agency: ”With the amount of dilution that would occur, any kind of release in Japan would be non-detectable here,”

I suppose he doesn’t live on the west coast and most likely does not frequent sushi bars!

How can Mr. Yogi be so confident and self-assured when he has no idea of the amount of radioactive material which is leaking into the Pacific.  The Map above seems to indicate another scenario than Mr. Yogi presents.

Frankly, I am appalled at the laissez-faire attitude of Mr. Yogi.  There is a major problem at Fukishima and TEPCO, the firm who is responsible for the reactor, isn’t doing enough to curb the leaking of radioactive wast into the ocean and ground water.

When the Chernobyl reactor blew in the former Soviet Union, the Rooskies constructed a concrete dome over the area and now, 25 years later are constructing a new shell. Chernobyl’s new shell | Environment | DW.DE | 05.08.2013

In closing todays post:  Everyone living near the Pacific rim is impacted by the Fukishima disaster.  The World community should be both shouldering some of the burden and monitoring the scene to make sure the area is NOT leaking contaminated water into the Pacific.

I am reminded in the Biblical warning from Luke 21: There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

I believe the Fukishima reactor leak, can be classified as a fearful event….
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 07, 2013 1:31 pm

I've long been a proponent of a 'faked' tribulation in order to deceive many of us. (Sodobama ILL lottery 666, etc. etc.) I'm not sure how Fuku fits into this but I have my suspicions.  Found out last night from a friend of mine who incidentally isn't a Christian (for now) who mentioned the fact while discussing the situation that Fukushima's sub-foundation is 33' deep. I'll look for something online to post relative this statement but it is fact. The site was, as most are, 'built up' to avoid the events that occurred. If you're moving rock & dirt it doesn't take much to go to 40 or 50' to avoid the events that occurred from 33'.
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PostSubject: Re: Fukushima - epa change forthcoming   Fukushima - epa change forthcoming I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 07, 2013 3:49 pm

I KNOW!!  It's like reverse double-whammy, in your face, carefully orchestrated production
that's disgusting enough when we first see it.  But then to think there's another whole level
of calculation and it's being spoon-fed to us gives me severe brain cramps.

But then, you know, you check the sheeple, and most of it's flying by 'em, right over their
heads.  And if anything lands on them, they clap, lick it up and ask for more.

So, I've found an oasis in my thinking, hinged on one word, 'ENGINEERED'.
satan cannot create something from nothing.  All this that we see is the best he's got!
He's an actor, a poser and a wanna-be.  The best he can do is manipulate the masses
THROUGH SYMBOLS  into buying  what he puts out.  Those gathered in worship at his acceptance
speech have no idea they were in effect paying homage before the temple of Zeus.
Or the speech in Berlin. 
He is a real trickster.  But whether it's politics, wars, finance, weather, cosmos, genetics,
the news, architecture, terror, numbers, in all aspects of life, and I put ufo's in there's ALL engineered:  it's his pathetic attempt to be like the Most High.

That's why it looks fake to us.  It IS all fake...all made-up, planned out, calculated for a purpose.
But those who don't know the Unseen God only know what their eyes tell them.  They
have no Truth residing in them so they don't spot the deceiver who is just manipulating
their reality to his end and his glorification and total domination over them.
It's kind of funny in a way that even though he knows how it ends, he still thinks he
can come out on top.  That's what happens when there's no truth in him.  He's managed
to deceive himself as well.  We've got a sweet day coming!

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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