I’m pinning this temporarily at least through January 2022 so that everyone has a good chance of seeing it, hearing it, and for GAWD SAKES sharing it.
I have both the hardback and Kindle book versions already. It's useful to have the audio version as well. I’ve ripped these two videos below to mp3 and uploaded them to my Medieafire file share account. The link to download the mp3 version is below for anyone wishing to have a copy. The Mediafire link is sharable too.
Total file size is 563.73Meg Mp3 is 48Kb/sec (all speech) total runtime is about 27½ hours and the complete book will fit on one CDROM
The Real Anthony Fauci Part 01
14 hours 53 minutes
The Real Anthony Fauci Part 02
12 hours 30 minutes