Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway And Remote Control Technology
Posted By: RobertS
Date: Thursday, 11-Jul-2013 12:26:47
The MMA train was operating on a one-man crew, with the remote control unit behind the lead engine, two engines behind the remote control unit, and one engine at the back end.
The remote control unit is former Canadian Pacific railway caboose, that has been modified. I read somewhere from one of the MMA company's statements that the train in question came into Nantes under remote control. But, I cannot find it now. I wondered at that time what they mean by the remote control.
Un train comme ça peut-il être piraté et couper?
---from Eastern Railroader News—May 2012--Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway prepares for operations in Canada with one person crews, and remote control technology.
----from Sarnia, Ontario