OH SHOOT. I see it. LOL. There is ALWAYS a matrix.
Heaven is a matrix. The Kingdom on earth is a matrix. Eden was/is a matrix.
The matrix is a place/space in which to 'Live, Move and have our Being'; to create, express and enjoy. There have always been 'rules', as there must be.
Of course, the Word of God is our model for success, joy, peace, etc.
The earth realm was meant to be the Manifest Creation of the Spoken Word of God.
And we know what has happened since we violated that.
But without a matrix, a playing field, we are just SPIRIT/ENERGY looking for an abode.
We are pure potentiality looking for a way to express ourselves, to know ourselves and to know and Fellowship with our Creator from which we came.
I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience