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 Gov’t Bureau ‘Creating a Google Earth on Every Financial Transaction,’

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Gov’t Bureau ‘Creating a Google Earth on Every Financial Transaction,’ Empty
PostSubject: Gov’t Bureau ‘Creating a Google Earth on Every Financial Transaction,’   Gov’t Bureau ‘Creating a Google Earth on Every Financial Transaction,’ I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 17, 2013 3:04 pm

Gov’t Bureau ‘Creating a Google Earth on Every Financial Transaction,’
July 17, 2013
Print Version

Source: CNS News

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is looking to create a “Google Earth” of every financial transaction of every American, Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY) warned today in a Senate speech opposing confirmation of Richard Cordray as CFPB director.

“This bill (creating the CFPB) was supposed to be about regulating Wall Street. Instead, it’s creating a Google Earth on every financial transaction.

That’s right: the government will be able to see every detail of your finances. Your permission – not needed,” Sen. Enzi said.

“They can look right down to the tiny details of the time and place where you pulled cash out of an ATM,” Enzi warned.

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