Some important things we should all keep in mind.
The West claims they are righteous, therefore incapable of wrongdoing.
They believe they are entitled to overthrow Ukraine, create a puppet regime, and put an army on Russia’s border, all in the name of “Democracy”. And let's not forget the 47 bioweapons labs.
Just like The Crusades, war was justified in the name of “God”, when it was really about conquest. Soldiers were given free rein to murder, pillage, and rape, under the guise that they were God’s righteous warriors, would be absolved of all sin, and granted safe passage to heaven in the afterlife.
The West are no different. They view themselves as infallible. They are willing to steal elections, brainwash the planet, overthrow sovereign nations, release biological weapons, traffic humans, force medical experiments, and sacrifice as many lives necessary… all in the name of “Democracy”. The ends always justify the means, no matter how heinous.
It’s a religious cult, void of any logic or reason. Their “God” is the State. The sheep believe the State’s word as gospel, and all those who question the State’s holy word are heretics that must be shamed and excommunicated.
The West are nothing but the newest iteration of the evil empire. It knows only death, destruction, and deceit. If you still support them at this point, you are part of the cult.
Reasons I don’t want to send more money to Ukraine:
1- They are literally Nazis
2- Our money is being stolen/laundered
3- The war will end if we stop funding
4- The US/NATO started the conflict
5- The West lied about everything
6- US and other [zionist] oligarchs are making bioweapons
7- Our border is not secure
8- We are $34+ trillion in debt
9- All foreign aid is a scam is just another money-laundering pit of hell.
10- The US government and ruling class are evil and profiting from pandemics, human slavery, and war
The American People do not benefit in any way by sending all of our money to Ukraine. The only ones who benefit are defense contractors, big pharma, corrupt oligarchs, and the politicians that sign off on it all.
We only receive poverty, propaganda, illness, and death. If there is a hill to die on, it might as well be this one.
This is our Bunker Hill Moment. What will you do when called?
I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience