STATE OF _________________________________
COUNTY OF _______________________________
PERSONALLY came and appeared before me, the undersigned Notary, the within named _________________________________________, who is a resident of ___________________________________________ County, State of __________________________, and makes his/her statement and General Affidavit upon oath and affirmation of belief and personal knowledge that the following matters, facts and things set forth are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge:
There is NO statutory code that either allows or prohibits American taxpayers from exercising their First Amendment right to protest against the American government by refusing to pay federal taxes when there is evidence of genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes being committed by countries that the American government is funding with our tax dollars.
On January 26, 2024, The International Court of Justice had a hearing accusing Israel of Genocide. The World Court acknowledged that it is “plausible” genocide was being committed by Israel. The definition of “plausible” is “seemingly likely to be true, or able to be believed.”
The World Court did not order Israel to stop military operations with these findings and instead ordered Israel to refrain from acts under the Genocide convention, prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to genocide, and take immediate and effective measures to ensure the provision of humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza. The war is still active and there is no ceasefire.
According to International Laws of War, it is a crime to plan or incite genocide, even BEFORE killing starts, and to aid or abet genocide: Criminal acts include conspiracy, direct and public incitement, attempts to commit genocide, and COMPLICITY in genocide.
There is no domestic statutory code or case law that protects the American taxpayer from being criminally liable for being complicit in the solicitation of genocide and other war crimes. However, Article 25.3(f) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court states: “a person who abandons the effort to commit the crime or otherwise prevents the completion of the crime shall not be liable for punishment under this Statute for the attempt to commit that crime if that person completely and voluntarily gave up the criminal purpose.
In criminal law, complicity is the act of helping, encouraging, or SOLICITING another individual to commit a crime. Common law refers to this as aiding and abetting. One who is complicit in committing criminal conduct is an accomplice. Although an accomplice does not actually commit the crime, their actions help someone in the commission of the crime.
Israel Is the Largest Cumulative Recipient of U.S. Aid. Israel has received approximately $300 billion dollars in taxpayer funds from the US from 1946 to 2023. The US government has an agreement that provides Israel with $3.8 billion dollars a year.
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees citizens the right to peacefully protest through civil disobedience - in this case, refusing to pay federal taxes until there is clear evidence that the American government is not soliciting war crimes, and that there is clear evidence that the American taxpayer cannot be held criminally liable for being complicit in the solicitation of war crimes or by President Biden’s lawless decisions.
WE THE PEOPLE demanded Congress to provide the following be publicly provided in response to this petition by March 30, 2024:
[list=margin-top:0in][*]Evidence the US Government is not funding any countries with our tax dollars where there is evidence of genocide, crimes against humanity, or other war crimes.
[*]A clear explanation with evidence by way of statutory codes and/or case law proving that the American citizens cannot be held criminally liable for being complicit in the US Government using our tax dollars to fund countries where there is evidence of genocide, crimes against humanity, or other war crimes.
[*]A clear explanation with evidence by way of statutory codes and/or case law proving that the American citizens cannot be held liable for the lawless war decisions being made by President Biden without the approval of Congress.
Congress failed to respond with the requested evidence by the requested date of March 30, 2024.
Without this evidence, it is within the lawful right of the taxpaying citizen to protect our exposure to such crimes and refuse to pay federal taxes as per Article 25.3(f) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and do so without being fined, penalized, or held criminally responsible for tax evasion.
These arguments extend beyond a reasonable doubt as the evidence is overwhelming. Therefore, all evidence should be considered correct on a prima facie case until the IRS and/or federal government can provide evidence by way of statutory codes and/or case law that proves it is lawful for the American government to use our tax dollars to fund countries charged with, under investigation of, or guilty of committing genocide and other war crimes, and that the American citizens are lawfully protected from being held criminally liable for being complicit in the American government funding countries charged with, under investigation of, or guilty of committing genocide and other war crimes.
It should also be noted that there are no arguments listed under the IRS “Frivolous Tax Arguments” that indicate it is unlawful to invoke our First Amendment right to refuse to pay taxes on the basis of the government funding countries who are charged with, under investigation for, or guilty of committing war crimes.