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 crop circles and the year 2013

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PostSubject: crop circles and the year 2013   crop circles and the year 2013 I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 12:11 am

I was reading through some of David Flynn's book again today "Temple at the Center of Time" . . . . . and a very interesting point he makes about crop circles on page 260-261 , is how from the temple mount to the range of crop circle in Wiltshire England. . . . . It starts at 1980 miles to 2013 miles. And that the crop circles started in 1980.

I was wondering about how the end of that distance is 2013....and I wondered if something big moth happen in "aliens"(fallen angels) revealing themselves in 2013
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PostSubject: Re: crop circles and the year 2013   crop circles and the year 2013 I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 5:39 pm

Crazy! I was just .... Hi Moko! Smile heehee, I was just reading about the farsight people and how they haven't been able to see beyond 2013 with their remote viewing program. Someone posted a link this morning to a site that led me there, i don't remember which one but it was about march 2013 being the next and according to some of the links, last big date. Apparently the timewave graph stops in 2013 too?
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PostSubject: Re: crop circles and the year 2013   crop circles and the year 2013 I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 6:12 pm

Lol. . . . Hi Delfi rapture that's very interesting. . . . . Yea,I think something big will happen in prophecy this year
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PostSubject: Re: crop circles and the year 2013   crop circles and the year 2013 I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2013 1:22 pm

I wonder if it's the Pi date thingy. 3/14? or Rob Skiba guy mentioned 3/22. (there I go date setting, again!) I always thought it was interesting that Einstein was born on the Pi date. Suspect
I used to check out that webbot site. He too mentioned that he couldn't pick up anything after Jan 2013 to about June 2013. I think he took his sight down tho soon after nothing happenend on Dec 21, 2012.
It does make one wonder. I seriously doubt the aliens are ever gonna reveal themselves to the masses. They don't call them "THE WATCHERS" for nothing.
Maybe they go away in 2013 and the crop circles stop this year or after this year??? They sure are interesting to look at. Quite beautiful some of them. But alas... they make no sense to me. crop circles and the year 2013 3293769290
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PostSubject: Re: crop circles and the year 2013   crop circles and the year 2013 I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2013 2:15 pm

i dont know if the circles are a sign....but being a certain distance from the temple mount is what got me thinking : )
the closest one to the temple mount is 1980 miles....and they start appearing in 1980
the farthest one from the temple mount is 2013 miles....and its a 33 year span on top of that
so that by itself makes me wonder.....being the temple mount is the center of the universe.
i know one thing....if "aliens" did show themselves to the masses....and im still here, to the unbelivers,ill give a biblical answer for who they really are......we should always be ready for an answer.
and even though i dont know if 2013 is the year they will they were here before....the bible tells us they will be here "in the last days"....were in the last be ready for whats coming on the earth,so your heart wont fail you....and so you will be able to "give an answer" whats happening to others,in hopes to lead them to Christ.....Amen Smile
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