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 ~AIDS~ you discern this one... Manufactured And Spread?

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~AIDS~ you discern this one... Manufactured And Spread?  Empty
PostSubject: ~AIDS~ you discern this one... Manufactured And Spread?    ~AIDS~ you discern this one... Manufactured And Spread?  I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2013 10:29 pm

I looked at the document but not the video... someone want to do some research to check this out?

Does This Document Prove AIDS Deliberately Manufactured And Spread? (Video)
Thursday, July 25, 2013 8:30

(Before It's News)

By Susan Duclos

The document shown below is purported to have come directly from the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations of the U.S. House of Representatives, first session of the 91st Congress.

In the document it specifically says that an AIDS-laced smallpox vaccine was to be injected into over 100 million African-Americans in 1977, and over 2,000 young white male homosexuals (Operation Trojan Horse) were to be injected by the CDC and the New York Blood Center in 1978.

The document is below, click to enlarge- (BIN readers click this link to Wake up America in order to enlarge the document and read it)
~AIDS~ you discern this one... Manufactured And Spread?  AIDS

Since the outbreak of AIDS, there have been theories, depopulation, biological warfare, genocide, and as more and more documentation is revealed, one has to wonder if those conspiracy theories are paranoia or truth.

Watch the video below, read the document above and decide for yourself.

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~AIDS~ you discern this one... Manufactured And Spread?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~AIDS~ you discern this one... Manufactured And Spread?    ~AIDS~ you discern this one... Manufactured And Spread?  I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2013 11:38 pm

There was no AIDS to speak of....before the 80's It has to have been man made!
And I didn't read it either......but I can remember back that far, and further!
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~AIDS~ you discern this one... Manufactured And Spread?
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