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 Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind

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Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind   Empty
PostSubject: Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind    Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind   I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2013 10:48 am

Science hasn’t been easy on the paranormal, routinely deflating fantastic claims by hucksters purporting psychic abilities. So wouldn’t it be ironic if scientists were on the verge of making paranormal-like abilities a reality?

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Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind    Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind   I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2013 11:01 am

That is really cool! Scary of course, when you think of how the technology could be used against us for nefarious means but still, really cool. servin up coolness
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Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind    Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind   I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2013 12:09 pm

It is cool because it could really help people with heart conditions and diabetes and other types of problems that need constant monitoring. However, the eugenics agenda pretty much guarantees that such things will be used for evil, not for good.

Cool Idea
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Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind    Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind   I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 5:23 am

For sure it will be used for evil, if it wasn't researched/made for evil in the first place.

This reminds me of the 80s or early 90s Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game called "Curse of the Azure Bonds" wherein the heroes woke up one day without any memory, and under their sword-arm are 5 living tattoos which can control them whenever the master of the the tattoo has need of them.

Another candidate for the mark of the beast. Probably they'll give it to people so they'll think they're enlightened.

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Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind    Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind   I_icon_minitime

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