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 The Coming Spiritual Tsunami….

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PostSubject: The Coming Spiritual Tsunami….   The Coming Spiritual Tsunami…. I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 08, 2013 7:58 am

The Coming Spiritual Tsunami….

Posted by lamarzulli on August 7, 2013

The Coming Spiritual Tsunami…. Spiritual-tsnumaoCommentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli

It’s coming…. The Spiritual Tsunami is coming and when it does the beliefs that many hold will be swept away with it!

The statement from the “Pleiadianseeds” should serve as a warning of what to expect.  There is a Trans-cultural spiritual revolution, that is headed our way.
The reason why I’m going with this today is I have had mental impressions of what it will be like, when “they” show up.  In short, it will be overwhelming!

I’ve discussed the revealing of the so-called extraterrestrial presence on this BLOG many times, but now, I feel obligated to warn again that when it does finally happen it will be a paradigm tsunami, which sweeps all other beliefs away.
When the revealing happens it will be life changing.  Can you imagine mile-wide mother ships hovering over a city near you?  ET will be all news, all the time.  Everyone will be talking about it, it will dominate all forms of media.  Books, movies, articles, scientists, clergy, all will offer their opinions.

When they give us free energy, it will be the ultimate game changer.

Steven Greer & David Wilcock – Free Energy & Disclosure (1 hr audio) | Alternative
The New-agers, UFO researchers, Disclosure guys, and the Exo-politic crowd, all are awaiting it.

Recently Richard Shaw and I interviewed Steven Bassett of the Disclosure project, who led the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, this year in Washington DC.

Citizen Hearing On Disclosure: UFO Believers To Testify At Congressional-Style Hearings (LIVE UPDATES)

Bassett believes disclosure is eminent and when it finally happens every aspect of our lives will change.  I believe he’s right and this is the spiritual tsunami which is headed out way.

We are told in prophetic passages of the Bible: God will send them strong delusion because they did not believe the truth. (2nd Thessaloninas 2:11)
We are now living in a post Christian world.  Many believe God is dead, or never existed.  Christianity is scoffed at and mocked.  The supernatural is laughed at and scorned.  Recently in England a poll was taken and the results were shocking! (See link below!)

More people in the UK believe in Aliens than believe in God – The Commentator

In closing todays post:  It’s coming.  What I call The Great Deception is coming and it is a spiritual tsunami.  The old paradigms will be swept away as the new is embraced.  The churches will be emptied, as the new religion descends from “on high.”

While the churches sleep and the heretic hunters call those of us who are trying to wake up the sleepers, heretics, what will they say when “they” arrive?  I’m sure there will be silence and these trolls and naysayers, will be nowhere to be seen.
We are told by Jesus: Luke 21:26 NKJV  men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of heaven will be shaken.

It’s coming…. will you be swept away?
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