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 If Earth Did Come from Sagittarius Galaxy…

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If Earth Did Come from Sagittarius Galaxy… Empty
PostSubject: If Earth Did Come from Sagittarius Galaxy…   If Earth Did Come from Sagittarius Galaxy… I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 4:06 am

More and more discoveries are pointing to the same possible conclusion that the Solar System is actually part of the Sagittarius Galaxy, and was only pulled out by the larger Milky Way Galaxy. (Which is still an on-going process…)

I've been thinking, what does it mean? All labels or names do have meanings. And everything does have Biblical interpretation or symbolism (or both).


  • is known as the half-man and half-horse (or Centaur) in worldly meaning
  • is known as a man riding on a horse Biblically
  • represents the Messiah (which is Jesus Christ) Biblically
  • is hated in mythology
  • represents the Tribe of Gad
  • is also a symbolism of warfare
  • is said to be pointing his arrow towards the scorpion (and the scorpion obviously represents satan)
  • in other words, Sagittarius is a warrior, a fierce warrior that is against scorpio, saving man (Ophiuchus) [or Orion in mythology] from it/him (satan)

So what does the Solar System being absorbed by the Milky Way Galaxy away from the Sagittarius Galaxy mean?

There are also some scientific reports floating around that one of the reason for the increasing heat, not just here on earth but on all planets in the Solar System, is because of Sol increasing its heat output. And that they found some correlation of that with Sol's ever increasing entrance into the Milky Way.

They are saying that because the Milky Way Galaxy is larger than the Sagittarius Galaxy where the Solar System was originally born, Sol and the rest of his satellites are feeling the change of neighborhood.

I can't help to think the following:

  • Satan (scorpio) hates the human race for various reasons I'm sure we all know about, tempted man so he can take us with him to eternal damnation; - signifying the Milky Way pulling us away from Sagittarius
  • Jesus said it Himself, that there is a set time when He will come back; - why does the Sagittarius and Milky Way dance coinciding with the coming "end of days"? (And I don't believe in coincidences.)
  • In the Book of Revelation, we know that there will be a new Jerusalem, a new Earth, and a new Heaven. Personally, I interpret it as a new Planet with a new atmosphere (1st heaven - probably even 2nd heaven, considering), with a new capital; - if what mainstream science is telling us is true, that the increase heat in the Solar System is due to us entering deeper into Milky Way neighborhood with greater "energy" which causes Sol to increase in temperature, then could it mean that the time will come when the Solar System will be uninhabitable and torch for the rest of its days? (Sounds like hell-on-earth literally.)

So, 2,000 years ago, Sagittarius (Jesus) saved us spiritually from Scorpio (satan). Today, Sagittarius (Jesus) is going to save humanity physically. Could that be it?

If so, I wonder where the new earth will be? Andromeda Galaxy?

Anyway, what do you think? The Bible did say that the heavens speaks God's plan for man.

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If Earth Did Come from Sagittarius Galaxy… Empty
PostSubject: Re: If Earth Did Come from Sagittarius Galaxy…   If Earth Did Come from Sagittarius Galaxy… I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2013 3:28 pm

I can't answer a single question you posed, but did run into this book today:
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If Earth Did Come from Sagittarius Galaxy…
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