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 Radiation Leaking from Iran's Nuke Plant

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PostSubject: Radiation Leaking from Iran's Nuke Plant   Radiation Leaking from Iran's Nuke Plant I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 5:52 pm

This is the most recent I have seen about Fordow since the explosions.

HOME :: PUBLICATIONS :: Radiation Leaking from Iran's Nuke Plant, by REZA KAHLILI

Radiation Leaking from Iran's Nuke Plant
by REZA KAHLILI February 26, 2013

Radiation is leaking from Iran's nuclear facility at Fordow, which suffered devastating explosions on Jan. 21, WND has learned, and the regime has ordered millions of antidote iodine pills from Russia and Ukraine amid fears the radioactivity will spread.

Many of the personnel, who arrived after the explosion to assist with the cleanup at the site, have been taken to a military hospital suffering from headache, nausea and vomiting, according to a source in the security forces protecting Fordow.

A special team of nuclear experts was ordered to the site days ago, the source said, and detected high levels of radiation.

Fordow fuel enrichment plant - DigitalGlobe image on day of reported explosion, Jan. 21, 2013

The number of confirmed dead from the explosions has risen to 76, said the source, who provided exclusively to WND the names of 14 Iranian scientists and one North Korean who died in the blasts.

Security forces have arrested 17 high-ranking officers, including majors and colonels, over the incident and summarily executed Maj. Ali Montazernia, a member of the security forces in charge at Fordow.

The Islamic regime has put up a wall of silence surrounding the explosions, but with the possibility of radioactive fallout creating grave health and environmental disasters in the nearby holy city of Qom and other surrounding cities, it may not be able to maintain the secret, the source suggested.

WND reported exclusively on Jan. 24 that explosions rocked Iran's nuclear facility at Fordow on Jan. 21, with updates on Jan. 27, 29, 30, 31, and Feb. 3, 6, 13 and 23. The blasts at first trapped 219 workers, including 16 North Koreans: 14 technicians and two military attaches.

Iran denied the incident, and its official news agency, IRNA, in a report, called WND a "mouthpiece of the CIA" and Reza Kahlili a CIA agent whose reporting was mere propaganda by the West. Regime media have also attacked Hamidreza Zakeri, a former officer of Iran's Ministry of Intelligence, now living in Europe, who has provided information on the Fordow explosion and other valuable insights into the regime's illicit nuclear activities.

In an unusual move on Jan. 29, the spokeswoman for the International Atomic Energy Agency, Gill Tudor, emailed reporters a brief statement: "We understand that Iran has denied that there has been an incident at Fordow. This is consistent with our observations."

When pushed by WND, however, Tudor could neither confirm nor deny the incident had taken place and would not say whether IAEA inspectors had visited the site after the explosions, despite some media reports that they had.

The IAEA's latest report, released on Feb. 21, states that a physical inspection of Fordow was done between Nov. 26 and Dec. 3, well before the reported explosions. The report said that as of Feb. 17, Iran continued to feed hexafluoride gas into all four cascades of centrifuges at Fordow to enrich uranium, but this information was solely based on what Iranian officials told the U.N. nuclear watchdog.
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