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 Trunews with Rev. Dr. David M. Berman, Russell and Maria Pearson

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Trunews with  Rev. Dr. David M. Berman, Russell and Maria Pearson Empty
PostSubject: Trunews with Rev. Dr. David M. Berman, Russell and Maria Pearson   Trunews with  Rev. Dr. David M. Berman, Russell and Maria Pearson I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2013 12:15 am

Today’s Guests : Rev. Dr. David M. Berman, Th.D. , Russell and Maria Pearson

Topic : Rev. Dr. David M. Berman, Th.D., joins Rick to discuss a range of topics including: the growing apostasy in the American church, the systematic destruction of Christian values, and his article, “Fathers, Guns, and Violence.” 

Later in the program, contributing writer, Russell Pearson, and his police officer wife, Maria Rojas Pearson, share the amazing story behind the dogfight they witnessed between Air Force fighter jets and multiple UFOs.
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