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 Time & Space in The Revelation

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PostSubject: Time & Space in The Revelation   Time & Space in The Revelation I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 8:32 pm

I definitely don't have it figured out, but as best I can tell...
The Revelation is a look behind the scenes at spiritual reality.

The Holy Spirit is poured out without measure through Jesus Christ -- who is the Lamb Slain and Son of God. We know Christ is the Vine, and those who are saved are the branches, from the Book of John. His Spirit (like rivers of living waters) is given to the saved, who are His Spiritual Offspring, just as He is the extension of the Father into this Creation, as The Word.

He's given gifts of the Holy Spirit and callings to all -- for the good of all -- but some reject Him and reject the Holy Spirit. They become the vehicles of the rebel angels and their dark spirits instead. Just as the saved are the Temple of God, the apostates can be thought of as a defiled or pagan temple, (the dwelling place of the false gods, taken by violence and force).

Christ's Spirits, (7-Fold Spirit, His Anointings), are also Spiritual Armor (the Whole Armor of God). His 7 Spirits (*) energize and enable His ministries extended to those willing to share His caring for others.

(* - the 7 horns and 7 eyes of the Lamb, which are the 7 Spirits of God)

The Revelation also shows the apostates as vehicles or global collectives. (cp. "horses") These are the wicked spiritual collectives headed by rebel angel princes, just as in John's day, regarding the spirit of antichrist.

This is meant to be viewed in columns. Not so obvious going left to right, then next line, repeat....
Quote :

1 false messiahs ... beast ... antichrist
2 false prophets ... false prophet ... balaam
3 false pastors ... death ... hell (the "last enemy")
4 false teachers ... mystery babylon ... jezebel
5 false apostles ... destroyer ... abaddon
6 false leaders ... rulers and merchants ... nicolaitans (elites, lords)
7 false witnesses ... dragon ... satan
You already know the rebel angel princes that head these collectives by name. They don't die. They're also part of open secularized religion institutionalized in the west in the names of the weekdays and planets ("wandering stars") tied to the combined pantheons of northern and southern europe.

Ezekiel 8 exposed the same type of of secret "all faiths" religion.
Quote :

1 sun-god (sunday, domingo)
2 moon-god (monday, lunes)
3 mars-god (tuesday, martes)
4 mercury-god (wednesday, miercoles)
5 jupiter-god (thursday, jueves)
6 venus-god (friday, viernes)
7 saturn-god (saturnday, sabado)
The end-time manifestation of the beast system (i.e. the 7 headed dragon) can be contrasted with the 4 holy creatures around God's throne. Recall that the 7 headed beast is like a defiled and fallen pagan temple. But the saved are the true Temple of God.

In one prophetic vision in the Old Testament, the holy creatures around God's throne are seen as separate. In another, their faces are combined. The holy creatures convey (carry) God's Spirit. You know also that there are holy angels on either side of the Mercy Seat as patterned in the Tabernacle, given to Moses. (4 creatures + 2 angels = 6) ...And the Ark of the Covenant with the Mercy Seat are not one piece of furniture. Just as "Heaven is God's Throne; and the earth is His footstool." (so 4+2+1 = 7).

note: It's easier to think of this pattern as the Chariot of God -- with 4 horses, reigns, a wagon, and a seat. (4+1+1+1) In Zechariah's vision the pale horse is "dapple and gray."
Quote :

1 white ... Grace ... preach good news ... altar (cp. the Cross)
2 red ... Word ... restore sight to the blind ... laver
3 gray ... Peace ... heal the brokenhearted ... table
4 black ... Truth ... deliver the captives ... lamp
5 reigns ... Faith ... free the abused ... censer
6 wagon ... Caring ... forgive debts & sins ... ark
7 seat ... Witness ... support justice ... seat (throne)
So just as there are true witnesses that do not remain silent when something should be said -- there are false witnesses (hypocrites, two faced, etc.). Likewise, there are true and false in each case here, including that of the white horse. The antichrist is the false messiah. Jesus Christ is the True Messiah. The false gospel and false messiah in Rev. 6 are the counterfeit of Christ as the true Savior and the true gospel in Rev. 19.

If you get this so far, then you can see that the Revelation is "folded," which is most obvious in the case of the exact parallels between the Trumpets & Vials. The vials carry the smoke from the Golden Censer.

Likewise the Throne of God is seen in the Rev. 4 & 5 and Rev. 20, while Rev. 12 folds on itself.
Quote :

12a....12b (altar / Passover)
11......13 (laver / Unleavened)
10......14 (table / First Fruits)
8-9.....15-16 (lamp / Pentecost)
6-7.....17-18 (censer / Trumpets)
4-5.....19-20 (ark & Mercy Seat / Atonement & Judgment Seat)

2-3.....21 (Christ in the midst of the churches and in New Jerusalem)
1........22 (intro and close)
note: New Jerusalem is the True Tabernacles

As for the end time sequence of events, which is more complex and ordered different than John's spatial tour of the Throne Room of Heaven... I believe it's something like 7 Candles that are lit about the same time. John tours them as they burn down. The candles are laid out like the furnishings of the tabernacle, which is what the opening in Rev. 1 describes.

John told what he saw traveling around them, up one side of the Heavenly Throne room and down the other. Of course by now you should get that those 7 Candles relate to the 7 Spirits of God and the 7-Fold Temple of God.

It helps to recognize that the organization and patterns are reflections (*), harmonics, foreshadowings, fractals, holographic, etc. (* reflections in the sense of different angles of the same image in many reflections)

The Rev. 6(+) events (unsealings) expose the dark spirits.
... which are arrayed spatially, not sequentially.
Quote :

1 white ... conquers (does not forgive) (the sun god exposed)
2 red ... the sword of false prophecy (the moon god exposed)
3 pale ... death (mars, the war god exposed)
4 black ... balances of deceit (mercury, the god of the occult / mysteries exposed)
5 souls under the altar/censer, martyred by terror (jupiter, god of fear not of faith, exposed)
6 false merchants & false public servants hide in disasters (venus, god of greed/lust exposed, not true public servants)
7 silence -- false witness (saturn, satan as the god of corrupt authority exposed)

Revelation is very obviously about spatial arrangements as well as temporal sequences (and parallels). It helps to include both the spatial and temporal.

For those that have eyes to see and ears to hear....

Quote :
Rev. 1
The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants
things which must shortly come to pass;
and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

Who bare record of the word of God,
and of the testimony of Jesus Christ,
and of all things that he saw.

Blessed is he that readeth,
and they that hear the words of this prophecy,
and keep those things which are written therein:
for the time is at hand.

I trust the Holy Spirit will correct my gloss as needed.
Without Him it's definitely a puzzle.

So please -- search the Scriptures, Try the Spirits,
and as freely given likewise share... Thanks!

- ever in Jesus' Name!
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PostSubject: Re: Time & Space in The Revelation   Time & Space in The Revelation I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2013 1:13 pm

Trying to get through Gary Stearman's book "Time Traveler's of the Bible" (it's a doozy) He explains that when the devil sinned by saying...I will exalt my throne above yours...That God then created time to work out sin and redemption.
God is eternal. Therefore, there is no "time" for him. So he created our world (and the stars) to mark the seasons, age and time.
I'm waiting patiently for the next "time" to come. The one where He promised He would set up His home here with us. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Time & Space in The Revelation   Time & Space in The Revelation I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2013 1:39 pm

Proskuneo wrote:
Trying to get through Gary Stearman's book "Time Traveler's of the Bible" (it's a doozy) He explains that when the devil sinned by saying...I will exalt my throne above yours...That God then created time to work out sin and redemption.
God is eternal. Therefore, there is no "time" for him. So he created our world (and the stars) to mark the seasons, age and time.
I'm waiting patiently for the next "time" to come. The one where He promised He would set up His home here with us. Very Happy

I have that book and give it a second recommendation. I may have to reread it again soon. There was so much new stuff in it that I need a refresher. :cyclops:
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