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 The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!

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The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!  Empty
PostSubject: The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!    The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!  I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 15, 2013 10:37 am

Why has the world been so foolish to accept nuclear power? This could never happen??? Oh no!
No outside power? Problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No diesel back up? Problem!!!!!!!!!!!!
None of the Above? MELTDOWN IN PROGRESS @ 100's of Nationwide Reactors!!!!!!!!
No problem? We are all dead and so is all life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can read all of article here::

The Unresolved Power Blackout Problem

A long-term loss of outside electrical power will most certainly interrupt the circulation of cooling water to the pools. My Palo Verde nuclear power plant source informed me that there is no long term solution to a power blackout and that all bets are off if the blackout is due to an EMP attack. A more detailed analysis reveals that the spent fuel pools carry depleted fuel for the reactor. Normally, this spent fuel has had time to considerably decay and therefore, reducing radioactivity and heat. However, the newer discharged fuel still produces heat and needs cooling. Housed in high density storage racks, contained in buildings that vent directly into the atmosphere, radiation containment is not accounted for with regard to the spent fuel racks. In other words, there is no capture mechanism. In this scenario, accompanied by a lengthy electrical outage, and with the emergency power waning due to either generator failure or a lack of diesel needed to power the generators, the plant could lose the ability to provide cooling. The water will subsequently heat up, boil away and uncover the spent fuel rods which required being covered in at least 25 feet of water to remain benign from any deleterious effects. Ultimately, this would lead to fires as well and the release of radioactivity into the atmosphere. This would be the beginning of another Fukushima event right here on American soil. Both my source and Haar shared exactly the same scenario about how a meltdown would occur. Subsequently, I spoke with Roger Landry who worked for Raytheon in various Department of Defense projects for 28 years, many of them in this arena and Roger also confirmed this information and that the above information is well known in the industry. When I examine Congressman Franks letter to NERC and I read between the lines, it is clear that Franks knows of this risk as well, he just stops short of specifically mentioning it in his letter.

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The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!    The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!  I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 15, 2013 11:41 am

I've been doing some work on this for awhile now. While I'm not certain or finished, 65 of the 100 reactors in the US may do just fine in the event of an EMP. They were originally designed to make power for submarine propulsion & are essentially self-contained and more than likely shielded by enough concrete to keep the electronics from getting fried. Everything 'outside' will get fried so they'll be rendered incapable of sharing their power, but the plants more than likely will be just fine.

It actually gets REAL interesting when you map the 'others' that would be goners & overlay a jetstream/windcurrent map. I'll try to post something today spring if you're curious.
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The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!    The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!  I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 15, 2013 1:31 pm

The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!  Plants10

This needs to be improved & updated for amount of fuel stored, etc. etc., but you can see the US takes a different 'look'. I also assumed average jet stream data. Traditional stoplight coloring, not a great job of it but I think you get the picture. One thing learned from Fukushima is that the atmospheric bands don't seem to disperse or dilute too much on their own, they rise & then ride the wind 'together' so to speak. Look at Fukushima today:
You can be 100-200 miles away and Fukushima practically doesn't exist (after you've ridden out the initial fallout from the explosions) But get too near or downwind of it & you'll be dead of radiation sickness before you even know what's going on. (assuming the nosebleed, vomiting, & diahrrea don't give you an idication your insides are getting cooked)

Of course this is radiation only (and is a rough up of dispersion), doesn't take into account anything else. The west coast looks great, but not without power it doesn't. Mix in Fukushima and you've got a problem. I may have 'overdone' the shading from one meltdown in WA state & possibly 'underdone' WV/VA. When you get into much of the Northcentral & Northeast the redundant fallout will make it uninhabitable almost immediately.

Utah, CO, WY, & TX up through the Ozarks look pretty good all said. Especially if you've done some research & are aware of how to stay out of 'it' & flush 'it' from your system.
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PostSubject: Re: The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!    The Unresolved Power Blackout Nuke Plant Problem :: MATTER OF TIME!!!  I_icon_minitime

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