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 They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born"

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They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Empty
PostSubject: They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born"   They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 1:41 pm

Comic book written back in the year 1958
They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" 28255
Another one of the pages from this comic book.
They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Image055sb
How ture for me. Things being impressed in my head. They knew of the Living Creatures
They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Image055bh
Four Living Creatures of Cydonia Mars
They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Lionsroarmetar525copy
Impressed upon me at the age of 47 years old.

Revelation 4:7
7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle.
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They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Empty
PostSubject: Re: They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born"   They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 3:07 pm

Jem IS going to get to the bottom of this 'message on Mars'. I just know it!

study Shocked cheers

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They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Empty
PostSubject: Re: They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born"   They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 9:13 pm

Go Jem!!!!! But you know, it reminds me of this song, soapbox
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They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Empty
PostSubject: Re: They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born"   They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 6:47 pm

They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" 59391913

It does correspond, doesn't Smile

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They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Empty
PostSubject: Re: They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born"   They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 8:54 pm

I just saw it! On the dollar bill. Idk why I didn't see it before. stupid stupid
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They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Empty
PostSubject: Re: They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born"   They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 14, 2013 2:23 pm
Who has the key of David

Last edited by Done on Fri Feb 15, 2013 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Empty
PostSubject: Re: They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born"   They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 15, 2013 3:50 pm

They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Milkywaypyramid666They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Washington20landmarks
The House of the Temple appears to have a more ascended position than that of the White House.
What does this tell us?
Are we being told that the Masons are the real power behind the "throne"?
Is this just more "Freemasonry fantasy"?
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They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Empty
PostSubject: Re: They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born"   They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2013 12:18 pm

By David Flynn:

Below is the reflection of the time-line within the coordinates of Washington DC and the year of the founding of the United States.
1512 / 38.88 = 38.88 Latitude of Washington monument.
1512 x 77.012 (Longitude of Washington monument) = 116444.16; 116444.16 / 2016 = 57.76 (5776 is the height of the Great Pyramid in inches and the Jewish year 2016)
1512 / 77.012 = 19.6333; 19.6333 x 12 = 235.5996; 235.5996 + 1776.6 = 2012
Just found this…
In the entire New Testament, the only word that equals ’1008′ is found in Revelation 16:16:
“Armageddon” ????????? !
It is also a strange fact that the oldest manuscripts of Revelation had this spelling and number, the later added one delta king(D) to the name, They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" 124550655obscuring the phenomenal time- proportion value that it contains.
It seems that some the most important puzzle pieces were deliberately hidden until now… but by whom?, that is a good question. What remains is that this number is connected only to the book of Revelation, whose number (1512) is intricately proportioned with the earth- moon system, the Great Pyramid and the prophecies of Daniel and St. John. All these concern the second coming and the ‘timing’ of that great event.
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They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Empty
PostSubject: Re: They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born"   They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2013 12:23 pm

Cherub on Mars
Most users ever online was 47 on Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:11 pm

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They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" Empty
PostSubject: Re: They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born"   They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" I_icon_minitime

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