By David Flynn:
Below is the reflection of the time-line within the coordinates of Washington DC and the year of the founding of the United States.
1512 / 38.88 = 38.88 Latitude of Washington monument.
1512 x 77.012 (Longitude of Washington monument) = 116444.16; 116444.16 / 2016 = 57.76 (5776 is the height of the Great Pyramid in inches and the Jewish year 2016)
1512 / 77.012 = 19.6333; 19.6333 x 12 = 235.5996; 235.5996 + 1776.6 = 2012
Just found this…In the entire New Testament, the only word that equals ’1008′ is found in Revelation 16:16:
“Armageddon” ????????? !
It is also a strange fact that the oldest manuscripts of Revelation had this spelling and number, the later added one delta
(D) to the name,
![They knew back in 1958 "the year I was born" 124550655](
obscuring the phenomenal time- proportion value that it contains.
It seems that some the most important puzzle pieces were deliberately hidden until now… but by whom?, that is a good question. What remains is that this number is connected only to the book of Revelation, whose number (1512) is intricately proportioned with the earth- moon system, the Great Pyramid and the prophecies of Daniel and St. John. All these concern the second coming and the ‘timing’ of that great event.