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 Trunews w/ Guests: John Price, Ray Gano and “Stephen”

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Trunews w/ Guests: John Price, Ray Gano and “Stephen”   Empty
PostSubject: Trunews w/ Guests: John Price, Ray Gano and “Stephen”    Trunews w/ Guests: John Price, Ray Gano and “Stephen”   I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2013 9:13 pm

Today’s Guests : John Price, Ray Gano and “Stephen”

Topic : On today’s special program, Pastor Chris Steinle hosts a round-table discussion with three individuals who have been led by the Lord to leave the United States. Ray Gano, executive director of Prophezine, John Price, author of ”The End of America,” and Stephen in Panama, share their motivations for leaving America and trials they experienced along the way.
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Trunews w/ Guests: John Price, Ray Gano and “Stephen”
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