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 TWO ARTICLES UP FOR DISCERNMENT, SUBJECT MATTER=POPE read and comment for others to study

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TWO ARTICLES UP FOR DISCERNMENT, SUBJECT MATTER=POPE read and comment for others to study Empty
PostSubject: TWO ARTICLES UP FOR DISCERNMENT, SUBJECT MATTER=POPE read and comment for others to study   TWO ARTICLES UP FOR DISCERNMENT, SUBJECT MATTER=POPE read and comment for others to study I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 11:06 pm

#1 from :

Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Sign Watching in March - The Vatican Conclave, Obama's Trip to Israel, Notre Dame Cathedral Bells
As I watch according to the Lord's command in Mark 13:37, some of the activity expected in the next few weeks begs our attention. I'll summarize some of the activities being watched, but the main subject of this post has to do with Satanic ritual and the Roman Catholic church, and a link to the Inquisition through Palm Sunday, “Our Lady” and bells, the instruments sometimes deployed by priests and witches as magickal weapons.

First, Obama's trip to Israel for the apparent forging of an “Unbreakable Alliance” is symbolized by a special Occult logo. Obama is scheduled to land in Israel at the Ben Gurion International Airport around noon on Wednesday, March 20. That's a very special time and place!

I don't know yet what the Lord's calendar looks like because we're depending upon reports of the ripening barley and sighting of the new moon. I do, however, know about the solar and Pagan calendar. March 20 is the Vernal Equinox, and in Jerusalem, the moment of that event will occur at a minute past thirteen hundred hours. If all goes according to schedule, Obama will have just arrived!

What's called the Vernal Equinox is a big day for Pagans. Many celebrate it with fertility ritual, with witchcraft and orgies that make little distinction between the kinds of relations between the genders, ages or even whether the participants engaged are human. For those who celebrate in such ways, which includes the Illumined elite, the 13 I noted in the time has not escaped their notice! That's the number of the rebel lord beast, and that's what their world revolves around!

With the conclave of a sun cult priesthood anticipated at the Vatican any day now, I wonder if that very same day is being secretly planned for the election of the man many believe will become the biblical false prophet, or perhaps to mark some other important step in his official installation. I noted with great interest how Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope on such a notable day in 2005, on April 19, the day very appropriately associated with the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast. The 13 day feast begins on the 19th with a fire sacrifice, and the Papal election ballet fueled a smoky fire that symbolized the figurative end of Ratzinger's life, as he would utterly sacrifice it in becoming Pope Benedict XVI. (See Who is Pope Benedict XVI? for more detail.)

While some base their expectations entirely on the Prophecy of the Popes, I anticipate a Pope will anoint the lawless one in 2015 in the key event that will reveal the one baptized as the lawless one, so, whoever the Pope is at that time will be the False Prophet, whenever it is that he comes to office.

Today, those who worship the Popes hope a new one will be ordained in time to officiate at the services on Palm Sunday, coming up on the 24th of this month. This is deemed to be of paramount importance because the following Sunday is Easter, of course, and because the integrity of the entire Lenten season is essential in their Pagan ritual. SeeAsh Wednesday - A "Fourth Day" Ritual Prefiguring the Mark of the Beast for more about that.



Twilight Language

The twilight language explores hidden meanings and synchromystic connections via onomatology (study of names) and toponymy (study of place names). This blog further investigates "name games" and "number coincidences" found in news and history. Examinations are also found in my book The Copycat Effect (NY: Simon and Schuster, 2004).

Thursday, March 14, 2013

New World Order Francis: The Ultimate Black Pope
Habemus Papam
Loren Coleman ©2013

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TWO ARTICLES UP FOR DISCERNMENT, SUBJECT MATTER=POPE read and comment for others to study Empty
PostSubject: Re: TWO ARTICLES UP FOR DISCERNMENT, SUBJECT MATTER=POPE read and comment for others to study   TWO ARTICLES UP FOR DISCERNMENT, SUBJECT MATTER=POPE read and comment for others to study I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 11:53 am

No Pope has ever chosen the name Peter. It would be the extreme
height of arrogance.

From the comments section at the 2nd link provided:
"Loren Coleman said...

Anon states that Pope Francis is not Italian. That comment could not be further from the truth. He was born to Italian immigrants. He has no Hispanic blood in him.

Due to all of the predictive speculation, it would have been a major surprise, at this point, if someone named "Peter" would have been picked. A new Pope renaming himself "Peter II" also would have been unthinkable.

However, for those who understand the role the Jesuits have played in the Church, the notion that this Pope sees himself as the next "peter" = the rock = upon which to rebuild the Church seems apparent."

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