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 Polar Vortexes and Aurora Borealis

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PostSubject: Polar Vortexes and Aurora Borealis    Polar Vortexes and Aurora Borealis  I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 09, 2014 10:15 am

Polar Vortexes and Aurora Borealis
Prophecy - Signs 
Thursday, January 09, 2014 
J.L. Robb 

Global warming, or lack thereof, is all over the international news again. A research ''tourist'' team sets out from New Zealand to duplicate a route to Antarctica from years gone past, to prove the devastating effects of man-made global warming. Of course, this could not be nature doing nature, as it has warmed up consistently over years past, with the exception of a burp or two every now and then. Like the Little Ice Age. And of course, it just couldn’t be God-made. It’s man-made, at least most leading scientists would concur.

We are reminded often that “most leading scientists concur.”

I read a lot of news but had never heard of a “polar vortex” until the past week. I like the term and will have to use it in my next book, sounds scary.

A polar vortex is coming to get us because man is bad for heating up the gazillions of cubic miles of Earth’s atmosphere, with hairspray causing ozone holes (don’t hear much about that anymore) and electric power generation is carbon-dioxizing the universe. It is puzzling that “most leading scientists concur” that realistic methods of generating electricity at this point in time is the main culprit for global warming, yet they are screaming for electric cars, trucks and trains. If everyone had an electric car, God help us all when the evening comes and everyone decides to plug their cars in to recharge the batteries. The power grid will fail.

Yesterday, news bulletins screamed out about the massive solar magnetic storm headed our way. The sun has erupted and this solar storm is hitting Earth now, stripping away large chunks of the atmosphere and treating us to Northern Lights (aurora borealis) visible as far south as Washington, DC, possibly.

Is God sending a message to Washington? If He is, they ain’t listenin’! He might need to speak louder, which is not good.

Government grants, in the United States at least, keeps professors, scientists and grad students on the payroll at many universities. If there’s global cooling expectations, there are grants.

If one reads the Bible, they can read about all these looming crises in advance.
In the early ‘70s, grant money (that would be OUR money) was pouring in to research the coming Global Cooling, a possible ice age like the one from 1550 AD-1850 AD.

Time magazine even had cover stories about it, though the rabid man-made global warmists now say that the 1974 cover as seen on internet searches is fake, a “photoshop.” Not.

It turns out that the global vortex term has been used to terrorize us the little people before.  Consider this from Time Magazine’s June 24, 1974 edition Cover Story:

Quote :
"Scientists have found other indications of global cooling. For one thing there has been a noticeable expansion of the great belt of dry, high-altitude polar winds —the so-called circumpolar vortex—that sweep from west to east around the top and bottom of the world. Indeed it is the widening of this cap of cold air that is the immediate cause of Africa's drought. By blocking moisture-bearing equatorial winds and preventing them from bringing rainfall to the parched sub-Sahara region, as well as other drought-ridden areas stretching all the way from Central America to the Middle East and India, the polar winds have in effect caused the Sahara and other deserts to reach farther to the south. Paradoxically, the same vortex has created quite different weather quirks in the U.S. and other temperate zones. As the winds swirl around the globe, their southerly portions undulate like the bottom of a skirt. Cold air is pulled down across the Western U.S. and warm air is swept up to the Northeast. The collision of air masses of widely differing temperatures and humidity can create violent storms—the Midwest's recent rash of disastrous tornadoes, for example."

Two years ago, one could google that Time cover and actually take a look; now it has become impossible to find, which is curious; but this is the age of liberal censorship. Here is more evidence, as the article went on:

Quote :
"Telltale signs are everywhere —from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest. Since the 1940s the mean global temperature has dropped about 2.7° F. Although that figure is at best an estimate, it is supported by other convincing data. When Climatologist George J. Kukla of Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory and his wife Helena analyzed satellite weather data for the Northern Hemisphere, they found that the area of the ice and snow cover had suddenly increased by 12% in 1971 and the increase has persisted ever since. Areas of Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic, for example, were once totally free of any snow in summer; now they are covered year round."

You might want to read the entire article, since our parents paid for that research, as did their children. Now we are paying for global warming research. Lovely.
The Bible says this:

Quote :
“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26 People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.” Luke 21:25-26 NIV

The Bible also says that as time goes on, it will get hotter. It does not clarify whether that  warming up will be man-made or God-made, but my faith is in the latter. God has given us warning, 2,000 years ago, about the coming climatic disasters. Interesting that Al Gore and the “concurring” scientists think this is their idea.

From what I’ve read, the sun is getting hotter. The warming oceans may just be warming because of all the sea vents pumping out 700-degree water from the ocean floor and underwater volcanos.

Back to the Russian global warming research vessel, the researchers ended up getting stuck in the ice that was ten feet thick. They asked for help, and the Chinese sent in an ice breaker. After getting stuck in the ice, the Chinese ice breaker asked the Australians for help. Once the Australian ice breaker became stuck in the same ice, the United States was asked for help.  And it’s summer in the Southern Hemisphere. The ships are finally free and the researchers were flown out by helicopter.

While record cold temperatures have invaded the entire U.S., including Hawaii, as well as Europe; South America and Australia are suffering through record heat.
The bottom line is this: Signs in the sky that the Bible predicts are not UFOs. The signs are to be in the Sun, moon and stars. The heat is not man-made but God-made. He called it a long time ago, before Al Gore was a thought. Al is laughing all the way to the bank, and God gets little credit.

When the global warmists, like the global coolests of the 70’s, claim every climatic aberration is caused by their cause, they can’t lose.

Record heat= Global Warming
Record cold= Global warming
Record rain= Global warming
Record drought= Global warming
Record hurricane activity= Global warming
Record NON-hurricane activity= Global warming

What a scam the scientific community is playing on the world, and not ALL leading scientists do concur. Even NASA. 

We will see. Get a helmet and a thick coat; or a skimpy bathing suit, depending on where you live. It will get hotter, you can bet on it; and all the grants in the universe cannot change it.

About J.L. Robb
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