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| Subject: Israeli News Looks At The Pope And Temple Mount, Sees Prophetic War Coming Under Petrus Romanus Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:17 am | |
| Israeli News Looks At The Pope And Temple Mount, Sees Prophetic War Coming Under Petrus Romanus
The Vatican never raised its voice to protest against the apartheid imposed by the Jordanian Muslims. Israeli leaders and rabbis asked the Vatican to use its “good offices” to intervene in order to stop the desecration, but during this dark period, the rape of Jewish Jerusalem did not lead to any expression of concern from Vatican diplomats. Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, a resident of the Old City of Jerusalem that he himself helped liberate in 1967 and the head of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, has just given warning that there is a “terrible plan” to give away parts of the Old City to the Vatican and Islam. Meanwhile, it is possible that in the “peace agreement” between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Jerusalem neighborhoods such as Maaleh HaZeitim and Shimon HaTzaddik will be under Arab-Muslim sovereignty. The includes the same cemetery vandalized under the Pope’s eyes in 1964. The alliance between the mosques and the Vatican will open the Jordan Vally border towards Jordan, permitting Islamic terrorists to flush into the Mountains of Zion... |