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 What are They Afraid Of? Posted by lamarzulli

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What are They Afraid Of?  Posted by lamarzulli Empty
PostSubject: What are They Afraid Of? Posted by lamarzulli   What are They Afraid Of?  Posted by lamarzulli I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 20, 2014 7:13 am

What are They Afraid Of?

Posted by lamarzulli on February 19, 2014

What are They Afraid Of?  Posted by lamarzulli Petralona-cave-censored

Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzuill

Update: Sarah was held over night for evaluation.  Thanks for your prayers and kind words.  L. A.

Dr Poulianos has claimed that the government destroys more than 90% of the anthropological evidence found in Greece, and that people who do not hold paleoanthropology qualifications are put in positions of responsibility over important archaeological excavations.  – See more at:

In On the Trail of the Nephilim I, I discussed what I believe was a systematic cover up of giant skeletons unearthed in the 19th and 20th centuries, initiated by the Smithsonian Institute.  I posited the reason for this was these skeletal remains did not fit into the evolutionary paradigm set forth by the Darwinists.

On the other side of the globe, in Greece, it would appear the same censorship is going on as the authorities seek to obfuscate any evidence which would upset the status quo that humans originated in Africa.  I have one question? Isn’t science supposed to go where the evidence leads?  Isn’t science supposed to be open-minded and impartial as to what it discovers?  So why is it when evidence turns up that the scientist don’t like it is repressed, destroyed, fudged—as in Climate gate—or worse those who are presenting the new evidence are attacked personally!

In On the Trail of the Nephilim II, I will be presenting photographic evidence that shows there were giants in the Americas, and that main-stream archaeology and anthropology has dismissed these reports as rumors and Barnum and Bailey type sensationalism.  However, native American oral traditions tell of a race of red-haired giants who were cannibals.  This story is repeated in most of the tribes that I have talked to.  Native Americans insist there were giants here and the stories handed down to them over the centuries are not fiction but real.  So where’s the evidence?

  It has been systematically removed and confiscated by our institutions!

When I was out at the Lovelock cave in Nevada, there was no mention of the Paiute legend of red-haired giants.  The only information on the signage was what American Archaeologist and anthropologist put forth, in other words, the party line.

Why the cover up?  What are these controllers of information afraid of?  If there was a race of giants inhabiting North America, we the people, have a right to know.

What are They Afraid Of?  Posted by lamarzulli Nephilim-skulls1

In closing todays post:  I believe the Nephilim tribes migrated from the Levant, the Promised land, and found their way to the booth north and south America.  Are the elongated skulls we see in Paracas and other places in Peru evidence of this?  I believe they are, as many of these skulls have 25% to 30 % more cranial capacity than the average skull.  All the cradle head-boarding in the world won’t do this.

  There is also the absence of a Parietal suture which would normally divide the top of the skull into two plates.  Added to this is the appearance of red hair where according to the Darwinists red hair was a only European trait.  If the hair is red—and we believe it is—then it challenges the Beringian theory that all native Americans crossed the Bering strait after the last ice age.  Is it possible these are the remains of Nephilim tribes who fled the Levant?  I think they are and that’s why I’m on the trial!
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What are They Afraid Of? Posted by lamarzulli
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