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 Some important topics about Jerusalem & other @ raiders>

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Some important topics about Jerusalem & other @ raiders> Empty
PostSubject: Some important topics about Jerusalem & other @ raiders>   Some important topics about Jerusalem & other @ raiders> I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 22, 2014 10:39 pm
Searching for Sodom
Is it time to rewrite Old Testament chronologies?
Gordon Govier/ February 18, 2014

Rouhani: Jerusalem Should be Liberated from Israel
Jerusalem should “be liberated from the yoke of Israel,” says Rouhani at meeting with the speaker of the PA parliament.
By Elad Benari
First Publish: 2/20/2014, 6:15 AM
Report: Vatican Pushing for Control of Mount Zion
Christian leaders push Israel to hand over control of area housing King David’s tomb, ‘last supper’ hall.
By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 2/19/2014, 2:13 AM

Some important topics about Jerusalem & other @ raiders> 349332
Visitors at King David's Tomb
Flash 90
Christian leaders reportedly pressured Israel to turn over control of Mount Zion in Jerusalem during a clandestine meeting of senior city officials.
The meeting took place Tuesday in the office of Attorney Amnon Merhav, the director-general of the Jerusalem municipality. It was attended by officials from the Prime Minister’s Office, President’s Office, Tourism Ministry, Police, Kotel Rabbi’s Office, and more.
Statement by His All-Holiness on the meeting in Jerusalem with Pope Francis
“With expectant joy and an abiding sense of fraternity, we look forward, later this year in the Holy City of Jerusalem, to our commemorative encounter with our beloved brother in Christ, His Holiness Pope Francis. This fiftieth anniversary of the historic meeting between the late Pope Paul VI and our ever-memorable predecessor Patriarch Athenagoras is an exceptional opportunity to deepen the fraternal bonds between Peter and Andrew, for both our Sees owe their foundations to them. For this reason, following in the footsteps of Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras, we express our desire to further the relations between the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Churches. Two thousand years ago, it was in Jerusalem where the Light dawned from the Tomb. May it be in Jerusalem again where the light of peace, mutual trust, and brotherly love shines brightly, for the sake of our two Churches and the sake of the whole world.”
At the Phanar, February 18, 2014
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