Do you think it is possible that the Jews have rebuilt the temple beneath the temple mount? Could it be that all this time the Israelis have had the whole world focused on the temple mount when all the while they have been carving out a temple complex beneath the temple mount?
I mean, think about it, the elites of the world are the ones who actually brought about the creation of modern day Israel, you know the Rothchilds and their kind. And isn’t it them that really want the temple built being that Solomon’s temple is the highest most sought after thing that those in the occult want. That their man of sin, the antichrist can go in and take his seat there and declare he’s god then later set up the abomination of desolation (statue) and stupify the world.
The word occult actually means “hidden” and those in the occult do seem to do their rituals is secret. Is it that far-fetched to imagine them tunneling from somewhere outside the city to the area beneath the temple mount. Surely they have not only the resources but also the tunneling technology. We’ve heard of the underground facilities ( Denver airport, area 51 ect.) all over America of which most Americans are clueless and of the underground military bases including airforce bases in Israel.
In my researching the subject of archeological excavations under the temple mount I have found that it has been extensive especially since 1967, and that’s the ones that we know about. I could see how they maybe have used the Temple Institute and other means as a propaganda machine to keep the worlds focus on the temple mount and mind controlling us so that we never even think of what is going on below ground.
Wasn’t it Ron Wyatt that found the ark of the covenant in the 90’s. Do you really think they haven’t done anything with that. I can imagine it restored and in a beautiful chamber somewhere, possibly in the Holy of Holies beneath the temple mount. Jesus said that He was coming as a thief in the night. If the temple is built on the temple mount wouldn’t you think the whole world could put the pieces together then of His imminent return. Just look what a stir the blood moons have made, even secular people have been moved by that. Given that ,and all of the other signs of the times wouldn’t you think that word would quickly spread and the people of the world would then be watching and waiting. Jesus said it would be as the days of Noah, they did not know and they did not understand until the flood came and swept them all away.
Could it be that the Smithsonian Institute is doing this to send a signal to all of the elite of the world that the time has arrived? That maybe it’s going to coincide with the blood moons or perhaps the collapse of the world economy or world war? Weren’t they sending a message from the super bowl this year, to prepare?
Do you think this is possible or is this just a dumb idea?