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 Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014 8:00-11:00 PM ET

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Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014  8:00-11:00 PM ET Empty
PostSubject: Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014 8:00-11:00 PM ET   Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014  8:00-11:00 PM ET I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 26, 2014 2:31 pm

Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 8:00-11:00 PM ET


26 February 2014: The signs are all around us that America appears to be entering into the terminal phase of transition into totalitarianism. This, combined with the growing chaos we see across the globe is neither spontaneous nor by accident. It is fully orchestrated by the power elite whose goal it is to implement a one world system of governance, currency and even religion. Even the most skeptical among us cannot deny this nefarious agenda any longer.

America is racing toward a totalitarian abyss so deep that revolution from within, by those who want to preserve our inherent freedoms, seems inevitable. What could act as such a flashpoint? Tune in tonight to hear Steve Quayle and Greg Evensen lay it all out in one of the most critical programs ever broadcast.

FLASHPOINT: Gun confiscation is here: In Connecticut, the State Police Special Licensing & Firearms Unit has mailed notices to gun owners who attempted to register their firearms and accessories with the state but did not do so in time for the January 1, 2014 deadline of the state’s newly enacted gun control law. The gun owners have been given untenable “options” that presage potentially more ominous actions against them. From freedom to felony with the stroke of a pen.

FLASHPOINT: The militarization of local law enforcement is here: Presently, over 17,000 local police forces are equipped with military equipment, including Blackhawk helicopters, armored vehicles, automatic weapons, grenade launchers, explosives, and other types of weaponry once confined to the battlefield. This did not happen overnight, however. This is part of a much larger agenda that has its origins in the 1981 Military Cooperation With Law Enforcement Act, granting the military the power to assist local police departments under the guise of the war on drugs.

In 1997, congress passed the 1033 Program, granting the U.S. Secretary of Defense to arm local police departments with military weapons and supplies without charge.

FLASHPOINT: Drones of death: Drones are in use all across the U.S. in a cooperative effort between the U.S. military, state and metropolitan police departments. AeroVironment, Inc. plans to sell 18,000 five-pound drones to local police departments across the U.S. More than simple surveillance, many drones are being outfitted with lethal and non-lethal weaponry. Included as part of the drone program is the much touted Switchblade, a small, single-use drone that has the ability to track a person from the air, target the individual, fly to the location of the person and detonate an explosive charge.

FLASHPOINT: The purging of our military: According to the latest reports, approximately 250 top military leaders have been relieved from their command by the Obama regime over the last 5 years. In conjunction with (or perhaps a result of) this purge, military officials have confirmed the existence of a “litmus test” of officers, with their military future contingent on their compliance with orders to fire on U.S. citizens if instructed.

FLASHPOINT: Ritualistic humiliation of U.S. citizens: The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights has been shredded by elected officials acting on behalf of the power elite, subjugating citizenry to humiliating searches at airports and other public venues. The ever-expanding VIPR program (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response) is using invasive and highly unconstitutional techniques against U.S. citizens.

FLASHPOINT: Pursuit, marginalization and neutralization of political dissidents: Gone are the checks and balances that restrict the activities of federal law enforcement against U.S. citizens. Under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security, peace activists, pro-Second Amendment supporters, ant-abortion activists are today’s targets of domestic anti-terrorism programs. The government views the entirety of the U.S. as a battleground, and it’s pro-Constitutional citizenry as the primary threat.

FLASHPOINT: Intimidation and neutralization of whistleblowers: Whether it’s a banker who might have stumbled upon information that could reveal a matrix or manipulation of our monetary system and then inexplicably “commits suicide,” or an independent journalist who is working to expose the larger agenda of the authoritarianism agenda, we are seeing an uptick in the number of certain people dying in large numbers and strange ways.

FLASHPOINT: The orchestrated collapse of the U.S. dollar and our sovereignty: Make no mistake, the U.S. Dollar must be destroyed and can no longer be the world’s reserve currency in order to implement a one-world currency. We are seeing signs nationally and internationally of this intentional destruction.

FLASHPOINT: The war against the U.S. Middle Class: The complete subjugation of America to a global system of governance requires the destruction of the productive “middle class” America. The current regime in Washington, through the Affordable Care Act and other laws and regulations is instrumental in the destruction of the middle class and the redistribution of wealth.

FLASHPOINT: The integration between police, intelligence agencies and financial institutions (too-big-to-fails) for surveillance: I wrote an extensive article on the little-known integration between the U.S. intelligence agencies and the big banks. Did you know that the “big banks” have their own camera systems watching your every move in lower Manhattan and elsewhere, with their monitoring stations situated right next to the NYPD monitors? Read more about it here.

FLASHPOINT: CIA involvement in foreign unrest: The recent disclosure that an intelligence officer was captured in the crowd of demonstrators in Ukraine illustrates that the globalists are using our intelligence services as pawns in their game of geopolitical risk.

Steve Quayle’s site:

Greg Evensen’s site:

Special Notice: Hurry to reserve your spot in the upcoming White Stone Remnant Conference to be held in Bozeman, Montana from May 30-June 1, 2014. Speakers include Steve Quayle, Russ Dizdar, Greg Evensen, Pastor David Lankford and Pastor John Kyle. Join Doug and Joe Hagmann at this event that promises to be the most discussed event this year! Click below to learn more.
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Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014  8:00-11:00 PM ET Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014 8:00-11:00 PM ET   Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014  8:00-11:00 PM ET I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 26, 2014 10:27 pm

The link to the archived mp3 is below.

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Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014  8:00-11:00 PM ET Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014 8:00-11:00 PM ET   Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014  8:00-11:00 PM ET I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 27, 2014 11:03 am

thanks for posting researcher, was just looking it up.
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Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014  8:00-11:00 PM ET Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014 8:00-11:00 PM ET   Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014  8:00-11:00 PM ET I_icon_minitime

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Flashpoint in America with Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Wednesday, February 26, 2014 8:00-11:00 PM ET
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