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 Be Aware of Surroundings!! discern

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Be Aware of Surroundings!! discern Empty
PostSubject: Be Aware of Surroundings!! discern   Be Aware of Surroundings!! discern I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 26, 2014 1:49 pm

URGENT Warning to USA Law Enforcement; Beware 3/28/14!
Sunday, March 23, 2014 18:58

(Before It's News)

4 mass murders in our country, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Santa Monica, and LAX, have occurred according to a pattern. All were on a Friday, on a day of a crescent moon, and all have occurred in a numerical pattern of 147 and 322 days. This chart will make these facts self-evident.

Be Aware of Surroundings!! discern Edbe97a6994b9fe8be446d2407928c9d81ec1266
Thus in light of this data I wanted to warn you of the distinct possibility that evil forces may attempt another mass murder this Friday, 3/28/14, a day of a crescent moon and the next day in the numerical pattern. BTW, I gave a prior warning for both the 6/7/13 Santa Monica shootings and the 11/1/13 LAX shootings. I have no idea as to the location of the 3/28/14 event only the distinct possibility that another mass murder may occur on this day. I also realize that if this is the last day in the pattern that it may be the biggest and worst yet.
BTW; there is another possibility that some of the data seems to be pointing to which you can read about here;
Please forward this information to your local law enforcement.
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