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 2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes

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2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes Empty
PostSubject: 2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes   2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 14, 2014 8:56 pm

These two hours just hit the "The Edge Radio" archives. Don't know what was discussed but I bet I can guess. Any-who the file links are below. This show was recorded on 14 April 2014.


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PostSubject: Re: 2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes   2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 14, 2014 11:36 pm

Topic in the first part of hour #1 was mainly the Bundy rancher & BLM stuff. Worthy of a listen. Towards the last quarter of hour #2 there was stuff about Yellowstone, re-wilding of wolves, agenda 21, and most interesting of all, Fukushima. It's all worth a listen.

One thing that drove me absolutely bats**t bonkers though . . . y'all think Steve Quayle and his heavy breathing on Hagmann2 (and others too sometimes) is annoying? Well, Steve ain't got nothing on John Stokes. Stokes spent two annoying hours making sounds that reminded me of someone sucking morrow out of chicken bones. I do not lie! He makes Quayle and his sounds look like amateur hour.

I don't know if this is normal Stokes mode? I thought the dude was gonna stroke out any minute . .  . seriously!
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PostSubject: Re: 2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes   2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 15, 2014 3:55 am

thanks...I will decline listening then!
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Location : Heart of Dixie

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PostSubject: Re: 2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes   2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 15, 2014 8:43 pm

I may give it a brief listen, but only because I want to find out what marrow sounds like being sucked out of a chicken bone.    Laughing
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2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes   2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes I_icon_minitime

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2014_04_14 - Steve Quayle on The Edge Radio With John Stokes
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