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 Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?

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Dr. Rose
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PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 3:01 pm

I am a "Hebrew roots" guy,although not in the sense that most people associate with the term....most assume that "Hebrew roots means that we have to try to keep the law and observe all the feast days and follow the jewish traditions,which is not my concept of "Hebrew roots"......most of todays churches have been "roman catholicized" and do not have a clue of the pagan traditions that have crept in.....I am convinced that most of todays Christians are the descendants of the northern kingdom that were "lost" from history,but God said that not one chaff would be lost.....Jesus said that He came "but for the LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL".....they were never considered to be jews....that term was used to describe the southern kingdom which was of Judah,benjamin and part of the levites,which ,through Solomon, and moses,gave the African continent its own lineage of Jacob...I did not belive this when I started to research it many,many years ago,but there was just too much evidence to the contrary ....most of todays belief system is based on the writings of the heroes of the reformation,luther,calvin,wycliff,ect and they have their place in history....they all had one thing common too,and that was that they were all roman catholics.....even though I am calvinistic(not a calvin-ist)and consider his translation to be the most accurate,i don't care for the man because he said,"there is no salvation outside of the catholic church"....if that statement had any truth to it,i guess i'll bust hell wide open because I have a consuming hatred for the paganistic roman church/, I am a "Hebrew roots" guy in that I understand that most of todays "Christianity" is based on a nimrod/semiramis/tammuz, babylonian system and the Hebrew history has been pushed to the back.....
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PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 3:20 pm

Hello to you in West Africa, Dr. Rose.
First off, I'm Just another member of the forum, and speak only for
myself. But I've been on forum since 2008 and we've been through
this many times.

I know none of us are edified by the dissension and discord in the 'body of Christ' invariably caused by the preaching of "another gospel" ;
this one known under the name of the "Hebrew roots' movement.

If you're not familiar with it, the original intent of it's founding was 'officially' abandoned as counter- productive, but small sects have continued on, and the doctrines can be discovered online.

At it's core, it is a mix of law and grace; two things diametrically opposed.
So, what harmony could anyone realistically expect?

But, as the posts are by necessity removed due to their vehement nature, you won't be able to verify the proof of it here, and will have to research

The Hebrew Roots Movement is a corruption of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
that offends both Jew and Gentile.
And it doesn't take long to see that they don't come here to learn about
They come to argue by condemnation, ideas that have no basis in Scripture.
And it is scriptural instruction that after many consultations [which happened] if they persist, they are to be put out of the 'congregation'.

It's much more important that visitors see and learn God's
Truth here, than it is to entertain lies in the name of tolerance.
In the inherent pursuit of Truth, offense is sometimes unavoidable.
But, I imagine you already know all this. And the administration and
moderators here do not operate independently from the Flynn family.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 6:05 pm

Dr. Rose. I think Delfi (which we know and LOVE) was just a bit upset when she wrote ...This is not a hebrew roots forum. I think she was getting after ppl who try and make being jewish better then being christian. Or people who try and belittle us for being christian. (IDK something like that) I have had some hebrew questions that I would like answered but have felt a bit sheepish about doing that lately. BUt I have not been banned. I just wait for oppertune moments to ask. I was gonna joke to her about that pinned sight but haven't, cuz it bugged me too. Sorry Delfi, Love you. Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? 2082360446

Like a Star @ heavenLike a Star @ heavenLike a Star @ heavenLike a Star @ heavenLike a Star @ heavenLike a Star @ heavenLike a Star @ heavenLike a Star @ heavenLike a Star @ heavenLike a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you....
Psalm 40:8, Colossians 1:9, Isaiah 26:4, Acts 15:11
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Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 10:39 pm

Dove wrote:
Hello to you in West Africa, Dr. Rose.
First off, I'm Just another member of the forum, and speak only for
myself. But I've been on forum since 2008 and we've been through
this many times.

I know none of us are edified by the dissension and discord in the 'body of Christ' invariably caused by the preaching of "another gospel" ;
this one known under the name of the "Hebrew roots' movement.

If you're not familiar with it, the original intent of it's founding was 'officially' abandoned as counter- productive, but small sects have continued on, and the doctrines can be discovered online.

At it's core, it is a mix of law and grace; two things diametrically opposed.
So, what harmony could anyone realistically expect?

But, as the posts are by necessity removed due to their vehement nature, you won't be able to verify the proof of it here, and will have to research

The Hebrew Roots Movement is a corruption of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
that offends both Jew and Gentile.
And it doesn't take long to see that they don't come here to learn about
They come to argue by condemnation, ideas that have no basis in Scripture.
And it is scriptural instruction that after many consultations [which happened] if they persist, they are to be put out of the 'congregation'.

It's much more important that visitors see and learn God's
Truth here, than it is to entertain lies in the name of tolerance.
In the inherent pursuit of Truth, offense is sometimes unavoidable.
But, I imagine you already know all this. And the administration and
moderators here do not operate independently from the Flynn family.

I couldnt have said it better Dove. . . . . Amen,the Word of God is authority. . . . not man's
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Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 11:07 pm

I've been around in one form or another for so long i can't even tell you. I've written papers on the subject. The expression "hebrew roots" is a theologica term...and is not meant to express lineage in any way. It has been my experience with hebrew roots people...many but definitely not all of them....that they tend to be legalistic, and doubt the salvation of an individual who has faith in Jesus Christ for the atonement of their sins. That is the issue at hand. Either way...there is much to learn from some teachers within the many different theological backgrounds and aspects of christianity...including hebrew roots, but it is much more accurate to say that we are NOT A LEGALISTIC FORUM. That is, we do not believe specifically that it is necessary to keep the law in order to be saved. It's not that we necessarily endorse any particular viewpoint, whether fundementalist, reformed, legalist etc. It is that we believe in the individual right to decide that matter...and also emphasize the common faith we have in the messiah Jesus Christ.

That is just me talking personally...and like i said, i've been around, but have changed much myself. I wasn't always known as onlyoneimage. It amazes me though, how many people tend to be legalistic...even when claiming they are not. I know several FORMER members of this forum who were holier than though...and were VERY legalistic...but emphasized too much a particular theological viewpoint. I would say, in salvation....we emphasize what is important...but in the non-essentials we should operate in liberty toward each other.

I often say that if someone isn't progressively changing their theology...they aren't reading the bible enough to learn truth.

Love you all,


(formerly known as wateredseeds, the humbled one who has been chastized by the Father.....contentious in operation as a youth...but now grown to known the liberty of Jesus Christ)
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Dr. Rita

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Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 11:38 pm

Passover Luke 22 ;15-16 Jesus Christ said he will not celebrate Passover , until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God. So , I do not celebrate this either. Today is Passover for the Jewish people. What a appropriate day to have this discussion. I think this says it all.

With Love to you in Christ Jesus Alive ! Dr Rita to Dr Rose.
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murray leslie

murray leslie

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Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 25, 2013 4:10 am

Abe, the father of us all, thru faith believed God...

rom4:14 For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:
15 Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.
16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,
17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.
18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.

we and the Jewish people are 1 thru faith, but we cause them to be jealous..

Gods word makes things crystal, yeah, Gods word..
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Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 25, 2013 11:09 am

Proskuneo wrote:
Dr. Rose. I think Delfi (which we know and LOVE) was just a bit upset when she wrote ...This is not a hebrew roots forum. I think she was getting after ppl who try and make being jewish better then being christian. Or people who try and belittle us for being christian. (IDK something like that) I have had some hebrew questions that I would like answered but have felt a bit sheepish about doing that lately. BUt I have not been banned. I just wait for oppertune moments to ask. I was gonna joke to her about that pinned sight but haven't, cuz it bugged me too. Sorry Delfi, Love you. Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? 2082360446

Hey Pros! Smile Don't be afraid to ask questions. I tried to make that post clear
Quote :
I will not tolerate any more postings that imply that Sunday Sabbath worship, dietary restrictions or commandment keeping etc, is a sin in need of repenting.
and specific. You won't be banned for asking questions about Hebrew anything. balloon bouquet
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PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 25, 2013 1:00 pm

Dr. Rose wrote:
Sorry friends. I have tried hard to ignore the matter and mind "my business" over here in a remote village in West Africa; but the matter will not let me be. In fact, I only really registered today because I had no other private means of seeking peace on the matter. ExclamationExclamation
I have been a frequent "guest" on this forum since a few months after the founder David Flynn passed away last year and have watched it evolve since then.
Frankly, I have had very serious disquiet since the topic "this is not a Hebrew roots forum" was pinned on February 8, 2013. I am most uncomfortable with the overall message of such topic on the world-wide-web on a forum that I understand claims to be Christian for the following reasons:
1. Jesus Christ Himself was of "Hebrew Roots", being of the lineage of the Hebrew King David; if I am not mistaken. How then can a forum that appears to be Christian (Christ-like) blatantly tell the whole wide world it is not of Hebrew Roots? The impression I come away with is hatred - pure and simple. The attempts at excuse in the body of the topic do not erase that impression of lack of love but give a second impression of lip service. It is like a very unpleasant festering sore that has refused to go away despite my best efforts. I am still trying to understand -hence my disquiet[/color].
2. Over time, I have watched forum members sharply booted out and/or suspended on this forum and they have since not shown their face again, fortunately or unfortunately - depending on your take on underlying issues. I am therefore left wondering why such "handy" treatment was not employed if deemed necessary by forum authorities; instead of the pinned message which may not indicate love at all but the opposite? What is more, the message is pinned and so difficult to ignore no matter how one tries to ignore -hence my continued disquiet.
3. I believe the original founder of this forum, David Flynn, spent a significant part of his life researching what has to do with "Hebrew Roots" and his work is readily available world wide. I am therefore struggling to understand why and how barely one year after his death, the world is fed this situation on a forum he started? Hence my disquiet.
Maybe my spirit will allow me peace now that I have off-loaded the "load" once I click the send button whether I am booted out of the forum immediately or not; since I will be reasonably sure the message had been received.
Love of Christ.Very Happy:D:D

Quote :
postings that imply that Sunday Sabbath worship, dietary restrictions or commandment keeping etc, is a sin in need of repenting. I am not saying that I am anti-messianic, I am saying that I am against messianic teaching that revives the things that Apostle Peter himself had to deal with , ie - feasts, unclean food, etc. with the intent of telling other forum members that we are in sin if we do not believe that way
I believe this must be the source of the hatred of which you speak, hence your disquiet? Is it because you want to say these things?
If you feel you can't be happy unless you're beating the dead horse, please do a simple websearch "watcher forum law or commandments or even Tammuz Balls and you will find long days of fighting and hatefulness, snobbery and plain meanness. Which is what these topics bring about.

I wouldn't and couldn't take the Hebrew out of Jesus, but I won't let it be used as a stick to beat the Bride with.
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The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

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Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 10:11 pm

Me, hateful? That's twice you said it and also harmful to Christians all over the world wide web? Was it my lack of smiley's in the post? I'm just doing my duty, keepin the peace, sanctioning trolls here and there, wherever they pop up, keeping the darkness at bay........Nippin it!

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Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 27, 2013 4:20 am

hahaha. . . . . . that's great Delfi,I love Barney Fife
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PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 27, 2013 6:43 am

NIP IT! Perfect! Don't need it, don't want it...same old stuff, different tactics. Besides, that humongous dose of 'Holier than Thou' didn't cut
the mustard seed. I really don't like it when people indulge their behavior by putting it on the Holy Spirit.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots?   Was Jesus The Christ of Hebrew Roots? I_icon_minitime

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