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 Peru Update! Nazca… Posted by lamarzulli

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Peru Update! Nazca… Posted by lamarzulli Empty
PostSubject: Peru Update! Nazca… Posted by lamarzulli   Peru Update! Nazca… Posted by lamarzulli I_icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2014 8:52 am

Peru Update! Nazca…

Posted by lamarzulli on May 12, 2014

Peru Update! Nazca… Posted by lamarzulli Nazca-baby

Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli

Nazca, Peru!

We travelled from Paracas to the see the famous Nazca lines.  These enigmatic lines are set in some of the most inhospitable and stark terrain I have ever seen.

  The folks on the tour went up in small 6 seater, Cesena’s and saw the lines from the air.  There are glyphs of a hummingbird, a whale, spider and other figures which are drawn on the ground and only seen from the air.  There are also straight lines that travel for miles on the floor of this vast plateau.

However, I want to focus on another subject and that is the picture here.  It is the remains of a mummy that was displayed in a small, private museum very close to the airport in Nazca.  Sr. Felix, who is a Shaman, is the curator of the museum.  He met us in full Inca garb and gave us a tour of his museum.

Peru Update! Nazca… Posted by lamarzulli Sr-felix

Here is Sr. Felix!

What fascinated me and drew my attention was the color of the hair of this small child, it was strawberry-blond.

I had a chance to ask Sr Felix a series of questions.  This is important to my research as talking to the local people one often hears the oral tradition, stories which have been handed down through the centuries from father to son, from grandfather to grandson, and such was the case here.  These stories can give us clues and I always listen intently and with great interest when these stories are presented.

Sr. Felix told us that the Paracas people sailed from the Middle East!  He also told us of a story told to him by an old man of a baby born with an elongated skull.

  While this is not “scientific” evidence, as only the DNA testing will establish where these people were from,  it does lend credence to my hypotheses that the Paracas-elongated-skull-people may have been part of a Nephilim tribe.

Peru Update! Nazca… Posted by lamarzulli Nazca-baby-2

Here is a close up of the hair color and you can judge for yourself.

It’s one thing to read about these sites, it’s another to actually go and see for one’s self what the artifacts look like.

Why would Sr, Felix tell us the Paracas people came from the Middle East?  He has no dog in the hunt in regard to my hypothesis.

Being on the Trail requires the gathering of information to see if my hypothesis—that the Nephilim tribes were scattered during the conquest of Cannan in a Diaspora and settled in the New World—is true.  What we saw in Nazca provides us with clues that help validate this.

More to follow!  All of this will be in my forthcoming book: On the Trail of the Nephilim II!
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Peru Update! Nazca… Posted by lamarzulli
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