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 Santa Barbara Shooter on Xanax – I Told You so… Posted by lamarzulli

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Santa Barbara Shooter on Xanax – I Told You so…  Posted by lamarzulli  Empty
PostSubject: Santa Barbara Shooter on Xanax – I Told You so… Posted by lamarzulli    Santa Barbara Shooter on Xanax – I Told You so…  Posted by lamarzulli  I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 04, 2014 6:17 pm

Santa Barbara Shooter on Xanax – I Told You so…

Posted by lamarzulli on June 4, 2014

Santa Barbara Shooter on Xanax – I Told You so…  Posted by lamarzulli  Elliot-rodger-abused-xanax-more-isolated-anxious-sq

Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli

As law enforcement begins to piece together the days leading up to UCSB mass shooter
Elliot Rodger‘s bloody rampage, disturbing details about the community college student’s dependence onXanax, which according to sources, made the son of Hunger Games‘ second unit director, Peter Rodger, more withdrawn, lonely, and anxious, is exclusively reporting.

Based on interviews with Elliot’s parents, Peter and Li Chen, the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department “is being told that he was likely addicted to Xanax . . . Peter and Li have been doing basic research on addiction to Xanax, and based on what they have read, they believe the tranquilizer made him more withdrawn, lonely, isolated, and anxious,” a source told Radar.

Hmmm.  A few weeks after the tragedy that rocked the quiet town of Santa Barbara, the news is coming out that the shooter may have been addicted to Xanax.  I told you so!  Here is part of my BLOG dated May 27.

I am sure we will eventually hear about the shooters drug cocktail which he was on at the time.  I posted this disturbing fact in another post, that most of these shooters are under the care of a psychiatrist and are on “meds.”  These drugs can push a person over the edge and I am willing to bet this is the case with this tragic incident.

So it appears Elliot was using Xanax.  So with this in mind why is it that after every shooting the gun control lobby ramps up another attack on our second amendment rights?  Why don’t these people go after the drug companies that push this stuff in the first place?  Why do these drug companies carry warnings that sound worse than what they are treating?

The other night the wifey and I were watching some TV.  (There’s nothing on by the way!)  We were watching a commercial for some drug and it shows this woman flying a kite in a field and!  Meanwhile the announcer reads a list of side effects that go on an on, including the possibility of suicide, harmful thoughts and night terrors!

The shooter had blood work done during the autopsy and it will be interesting to see what the results are.  I’m willing to bet he had a high dose of the drug in his system at the time of his rampage.  Where is the media covering this story?  They are absent and silent as usual.  It’s seems to be all about rounding up the guns and taking away our second amendment rights.  We have to realize that there is an agenda and those who want to suspend our rights are focused on it.  Never mind the connection to Xanax, which may have been the real culprit behind Elliot’s bizarre behavior.

In closing todays post.  Hitler, Stalin and Mao rounded up the guns when they took power.  Our Constitution has the second amendment to protect the citizens from governmental tyranny.  Round up the guns and the people have no way to protect themselves.  Why doesn’t our media go after what I believe is the real culprit, an overdose and misuse of a very powerful drug?  No, it’s always about the guns.  I’m tired of this argument being forced down my throat.  It’s disingenuous and doesn’t focus on what the real cause is, people who take mind-altering drugs can go over the edge; and I would posit this is the case with the Santa Barbara shooter.
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Santa Barbara Shooter on Xanax – I Told You so… Posted by lamarzulli
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