First thought that came to my mind is how new of units? and are they contaminated with radiation from Fukushima?? In Jericho Series the market exchange won't accept nickel.
OR IT'S THE WI FI and they want to conceal it's effect cause they can control u with it!,_Tablets_and_Laptops_Making_Some_People_Sick/36672/0/38/38/Y/M.html
July 16, 2014
The new documentary film Mobilize warns of the health dangers from cell phone radiation. Now a new study in the journal Pediatrics shows that there are less-predictable health risks from using smartphones, tablets and laptops, including rashes from the frequently used metal, nickel. Report from CBS New York:
We use our electronic devices for all sorts of things – from talking and looking up information to playing games.
But as CBS 2’s Elise Finch reported Monday, the frequent use of such gadgets is actually making some people sick.
Smartphones, tablets and laptops are the devices that keep us connected. But as an article in the most recent issue of the journal Pediatrics pointed out, one 11-year-old boy’s persistent rash turned out to be due to the frequent use of his iPad.
It turned out the child was allergic to the nickel on the exterior of the device.
“A lot of high-tech gadgets — whether it’s phones or tablets or computers — are made of aluminum,” explained CNET senior editor Dan Ackerman. “They’re made of stainless steel, but they can have alloys that have nickel in them.”
Meanwhile, allergist Dr. Clifford Bassett of Allergy & Asthma Care of New York said he is seeing more patients with skin rashes as a result of gadgets made with nickel.
“Usually redness, itchiness, even blisters can occur; swelling — it can be very uncomfortable,” Bassett said. “And people may not realize they’re allergic to something they use all the time.”
Children are particularly susceptible because nickel allergies are rare and parents often do not know their child is allergic…
[continues at CBS New York]