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 Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!

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Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! Empty
PostSubject: Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!   Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2014 8:43 am

Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!

Posted by lamarzulli on July 30, 2014

Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! Nazi-killing-fields

Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli

According to the video description, the place of the incident was “Tikrit” in Iraq, according to a video description, and describe themselves as Rafidis, which include Shiites, Iranians, Alawites ….. an imprecise term.

According to a Twitter Video Description the largest massacre of Shiites in Tikrit.
It is not known if it this video relates to the first massacre in Tikrit ago more than a month, or if they have committed more massacres.

Here is the link:  Warning Extremely graphic!!!

This may be the end of the Middle East as we know it.  The barbarity of ISIL has reached new heights.  I was sickened when I watched the video, as it is beyond anything I have ever seen.  Seriously, if you watch be prepared to be shocked to your core.

ISIL is lining people up and shooting them in cold blood.  In one scene men are rushed to a blood-soaked concrete dock,  by the bank of a river.  They are shot once in the back of the head and then pushed into the water, in what amounts to genocide.

It’s a scene reminiscent of the atrocities the Nazi’s committed in WWII.  (Seen the picture above.)

I wonder where Mr. Erdogan is now, as he seems to ignore what is happening in his part of the world, on his “doorstep,” while comparing Israel to the Nazi’s, the real monsters—ISIL—are like the fanatical SS troops of the Third Reich, and are on a murderous killing spree?

Why hasn’t the UN’s Secretary General,  Ban Ki Moon addressed this?  Why hasn’t the UN acted?  I wonder why nothing is happening to defend these innocent people?  Moon is quick to condemn Israel, but is strangely silent in regards to the genocide taking place in Iraq.

This is murder and I believe it is most likely Sunni Moslem—which is what ISIL is made up of—killing Shia Moslems.  However there may be Christians killed in the genocide too.  It doesn’t matter who these people are.  This cold-blooded, barbaric, rampage must be stopped.

What every American should take away from this, is this is the face of radical Islam!  Where are the moderate Muslims now?  Why haven’t they denounced the bloodshed?  Why haven’t they banded together to stop ISIL?

It’s one thing to see a picture from WWII, like the one above.  It’s another to see what a bullet does to the back of a defenseless persons head.  The casual way in which the slaughter takes place is sickening and thus, is an evil recipe for genocide, cooked up in hells kitchen.

I believe we have turned a corner in the last two weeks.  The world has changed and it will never go back to the way it was only weeks ago.  Part of this tension is based on the rise of antisemitism.  Some people living in England, France, Ireland and even here in the USA are blatantly displaying their hatred of the Jewish people, which is nothing short of a supernatural hatred, as I stated in yesterdays BLOG.

I feel the tension in my spirit and can only hope and pray for His return.  However, I also know we are not in the tribulation, but from what is going on all around us we must be nearing it.

In closing todays post.  I’ve never witnessed the world so out of control on so many fronts.  Think about it.  There are wars and rumors of wars, Ebola is threatening to become a pandemic, and earthquakes are shaking the planet. 

 Rumors abound about the Yellowstone super caldera.  The Dollar is being threatened by BRICKS.  (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, who want a new global currency instead of the dollar)  Our southern border is a mess and I believe this is a deliberate, staged event by the Obama administration, to break the country apart and induce race-riots.

A few days ago Obama made one of the most absurd statements of his presidency.  He stated: “In the United States, Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”

This statement is an outright lie and he is attempting to re-write history.  With all due respect to Moslem Americans, Islam had absolutelynothing to do with the foundation of our country, period.

The real Genocide is happening in Iraq and yet the world points its finger at Israel.  God help us…
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Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!   Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2014 10:26 am

I watched but could not make it to the end….. just too awful.  Wished I hadn't.  It's hard to comprehend the inhumanity towards others that man is capable of doing.  I pray none of us ever have to go through anything like this on our own soil.
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murray leslie

murray leslie

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Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!   Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2014 10:53 am

the LORD CURSE islam, the LORD CURSE isis...

i pray i get the chance to rip the enemies of God asunder...
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Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! Empty
PostSubject: *... please men, fight back!   Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2014 3:55 pm

*... It's just getting started. I'm afraid the whole world is going to be a washed in this type of heinous barbarism before it's all over.  To be honest, if I were being marched to my death like that, I'd fight back, and as savagely as I could.  I'd die fighting.  Come soon and quickly Lord Jesus.  God have mercy!   pale
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Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! Empty
PostSubject: reply   Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2014 3:58 pm

rawblues wrote:
I watched but could not make it to the end….. just too awful.  Wished I hadn't.  It's hard to comprehend the inhumanity towards others that man is capable of doing.  I pray none of us ever have to go through anything like this on our own soil.

*... amen to that rawblues!
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Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!   Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2014 8:00 pm

murray leslie wrote:
the LORD CURSE islam, the LORD CURSE isis...

i pray i get the chance to rip the enemies of God asunder...
We must be kin.

I believe the Bible as the literal and completed Word of God!
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Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!   Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2014 11:50 pm

I refuse to watch videos of them anymore, its bad enough they play they're holly wood style videos all over mainstream media for fear factor. But we can't say Jesus didn't warn us of these times, along with the fact that we are supposed to offer the other cheek. The recent story of the Christian being commanded to convert to Islam or be killed comes to mind, and he does so, denies Christ Jesus and they kill him anyways. If it were me, I would have lifted my head in prayer, "Go ahead and take it, it's not worth it." This is coming from someone that used to train in mixed martial arts btw, my how I've changed lol  cheers
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Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!   Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 31, 2014 8:43 pm

Dunno what to make of this, struck me as interesting and a bit odd....

Shadowy Terror Group ‘White Shroud’ Hits Back at ISIS
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PostSubject: Re: Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!   Genocide In Iraq – Warning! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! I_icon_minitime

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