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 Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed?

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Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? Empty
PostSubject: Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed?   Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2014 2:08 pm

Use discretion but make of it what you will. I wouldn't put anything past them, them being TPTB of course. I found this on another web site so I'm swiping it to display here.
Before Joan Rivers died she went publicly saying that President Obama is a closet homosexual and Michelle Obama is a man. Could this be true ??? Did you know Obama has called Michelle, Michael by supposed mistake on a few occasions! Like who does that ??? What man mistakes his wife's name for a man's name! I mean I have sometimes called a girlfriend the name of my X by mistake ( something to try and avoid at all cost btw lol ) but NEVER would I call her Steve, John, Ron, etc. Just straight up weird when you think about what Joan said !!! In this video we examine this strange strange conspiracy ! God Bless

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Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed?   Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2014 5:32 pm

"CONCLUSIONS : Most perioperative cardiac arrests were related to medication administration, airway management, and technical problems of central venous access. Improvements focused on these three areas may result in better outcomes".

With all due respect, she had clearly had quite a bit of work done over the years so there should have been pretty good medical history for the MD relative her body and administering anesthesia, making it more suspicious. Its not like she was in some rag tag office because they were the only ones who took her insurance or medicare.

On the conspiratorial side, I heard awhile back the new 'thing' was slipping a chemical into a target before a scheduled procedure that would prove fatal when general anesthesia is administered because of a severe drug interaction. Everyone then assumes some sort of medical error or unknown allergy as the cause and thinks nothing of it other than a tragic loss. Sounds very plausible, but I'm certainly not personally vouching for the info.
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Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed?   Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2014 6:56 pm

my brother was wondering if the ptb killed her,because she said that O was gay,and Michelle is a man....i think its true
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Dr. Rita

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Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed?   Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2014 8:18 pm

I'd rather be remembered for being killed because I was quoted as saying " Jesus Christ is Lord".
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Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed?   Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2014 9:49 pm

she died speakin the truth non the less
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Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed?   Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 17, 2014 6:01 pm

'Specialist to the stars' translates to luciferian witch.
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Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed?   Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed? I_icon_minitime

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Joan Rivers Exposed "O" & "M" and Now She's Dead! Was Joan Rivers Right ? Is Obama Gay and Michelle a Man Named Michael? Was She Offed?
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