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 Alert Level 3 raised over Mt. Mayon, the Philippines

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Alert Level 3 raised over Mt. Mayon, the Philippines Empty
PostSubject: Alert Level 3 raised over Mt. Mayon, the Philippines   Alert Level 3 raised over Mt. Mayon, the Philippines I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 16, 2014 12:48 pm

Alert Level 3 raised over Mt. Mayon
| ANC – 17 hours ago

  • Alert Level 3 raised over Mt. Mayon, the Philippines 7ca9a920-3d4c-11e4-bd4b-6563fe9e5fcd_BxnF95gCMAAVezVView Photo
    SEPT. 16: Rolling incandescence captured by Dennis Mirabueno at 6am.  MORE HERE: …

On Monday night, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) raised Alert Level 3 over Mayon Volcano due to "a noticeable escalation of unrest."

In its 10 p.m. bulletin, Phivolcs said aside from rockfall and volcanic earthquakes monitored during the day, crater glow was also observed, which indicated "incandescence of the crater from molten lava and hot volcanic gas."

Level 3 status means that the volcano is "showing relatively high unrest and that magma is at the crater." A "hazardous eruption" is possible within weeks, Phivolcs stressed.
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Alert Level 3 raised over Mt. Mayon, the Philippines Empty
PostSubject: Hurried evacuation as Philippines’ volcano emits lava   Alert Level 3 raised over Mt. Mayon, the Philippines I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 17, 2014 8:21 am

Hurried evacuation as Philippines’ volcano emits lava

Sep 17 2014 - 7:08am
Mayon VolcanoPhilippinesrushed evacuationvolcanic eruption

Lava cascaded down the Philippines’ most active volcano on Wednesday as authorities rushed to evacuate thousands ahead of a possible deadly eruption.
Mostly women, children and the elderly carrying bags of clothes were hauled out of farming villages near Mayon volcano’s slopes on board army trucks and minibuses.
Soldiers went from house to house asking residents to evacuate, after authorities on Monday raised the third highest alert in a five-step scale, meaning a full-scale eruption is possible “within weeks”.
Alert Level 3 raised over Mt. Mayon, the Philippines Philippines-volcano--e1410933988413
Lava flows from the crater of Mayon volcano
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Alert Level 3 raised over Mt. Mayon, the Philippines
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